Objective of the course is to familiarize students about hardware design including logic design, basic structure and behavior of the various functional modules of the computer and how they interact to provide the processing needs of the user. This subject mainly focuses on the computer hardware and system software. It aims to describe the following aspects—
Outline of Course
Topic Minimum number of
1. Digital Components 10
2. Data Representation 04
3. Register Transfer & Micro Operations 04
4. Basic Computer Organization 04
5. Central Processing Unit 08
6. Computer Arithmetic 06
7. Input-Output Organization 08
8. Memory Organization 08
9. Assembly Language Programming 08
Lectures = 60
Practical/tutorials = 60
Total = 120
Total = 120
Detailed Syllabus
1. Digital Components 10 Hrs.
Overview of computer organization: Logic gates, Adders, Flip-flops (as 1 bit memory
device), Encoders, Decoders, Multiplexers, Registers, Shift Registers, Counters, RAM,
2. Data Representation 04 Hrs.
Number system, Hexadecimal numbers, ASCII code, Two’s complement, addition,
subtraction, overflow, Floating point representation
3. Register Transfer & Micro Operations 04 Hrs.
Bus and memory transfers, Three state Bus Buffers, Binary ADDER, Binary Incrementer,
Arithmetic circuit, Logic and Shift Micro-operations, ALU
4. Basic Computer Organization 04 Hrs.
Instruction codes, Direct and indirect address, Timing and Control Signal generation,
Instruction Cycle, Memory Reference Instructions, Input Output instructions.
5. Central Processing Unit 08 Hrs.
General Register Organization, Memory Stack, One address and two address
Instructions, Data transfer, arithmetic, logical and shift instructions, Software and
hardware interrupts (only brief introduction), Arithmetic and Instruction Pipelines.
6. Computer Arithmetic 06 Hrs.
Addition and Subtraction with signed magnitude data, Multiplication Algorithms Hardware
Algorithm and Booth Algorithm, Division Algorithm
7. Input-Output Organization 08 Hrs.
Asynchronous Data transfer - Handshaking, Asynchronous Serial Transfer, Interrupt Initiated
I/O, DMA transfer, Interfacing Peripherals with CPU (Introduction), Keyboard, Mouse, Printer,
Scanner, Network card, Introduction to Pipelining and Linear Pipeline processor
8. Memory Organization 08 Hrs.
ROM, RAM, Hard Disk, CD-ROM, Cache Memory - Direct mapping scheme, Virtual Memory
concept, Cache memory working principles
9. Assembly Language Programming 08 hrs.
Assembly Language of Intel 8086, Simple examples based on arithmetic and character
Note: For assembly language programming Turbo Assembler may be used.
1. Carter Nicholas, “Computer Architecture”, Schaun outline Sevies , Tata McGraw-Hill,
2. M. Morris Mano, “Computer System Architecture”, Pearson Education, 2008.
3. Peter Abel and N. Nizamuddin, “IBM PC Assembly Language and Programming”,
Pearson Education, 2009.
1. J.P. Hayes, “Computer Architecture & Organization”, Tata McGraw Hill
2. Michael J. Flynn, “Computer Architecture: Pipelined and Parallel Processor Design”,
Narosa Publishing House, 2002.
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