Introduction to Database Management System
Assignment 12
a)Create a tables Employee with following columns :b)Create a table Department with following columns:
d)Create a table works_on with the following columns:
Write down following Insert Statement
- Using INSERT statement enter the following data in the Employee table:
- Using INSERT statement enter the following data in the Department table:
- Using INSERT statement enter the following data in the Project table:
- Using INSERT statement enter the following data in the works_on table :
SQL Statement Assignment
- See the records of all the tables with SELECT command.
- List the Employee number of all the clerks.
- Get the employee numbers for all employees who have a leading job ( Analyst or
- Manager) in project P1.
- Get the employee number and first name of all employees whose first name starts
- with A.
- Find the employee details having Maximum salary.
- Find the employee details having second highest salary.
- Insert the data of a new employee called Jullia Long , whose employee number is
- 11111. Her department no is not known yet.
- Change the name of the department of the employee James .The new department name is Sales.
- Find the employee number for all employees who are clerks or works in Department D3.
- Create a table Sample and get all the record from employee table with select statement.
- Alter table sample , add new column Telephone_no char(12) null.
- Drop the Column Telephone_no from Sample table.
- Get the list of all the employee except the employees having emp_no either 10102 or 9031.
- List the name of the project whose budget lies between 95000 to 12000.
- Get the names of all the employees whose first name contains the letter “a” as the second character.
- Get Full details of all the employees whose departments are located in Dallas.
- Get all jobs of the employees.
- List the project numbers for all the projects employing less than four persons.
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