Saturday 15 October 2016


Computer Algorithm

Algorithm : Computer Science 

To understand algorithm you need to understand following terms
  • Computer is a combination of software and hardware.
  • Hardware is physical component of system which we can touch and feel.
  • Software is a collection of related program.
  • Program is a combination of related statement.
  • Statements are actual command which computer follows to perform an action.

Friday 14 October 2016

Write a program to find smallest and highest number from an array?

Q1. : Write a program to find smallest and highest number from an array?

/*    ##################################
            Girfa : Student Help
            Program : Count Highest/smallest
            For more program visit :
void main()
      int ar[5],i,small=0,big=0;

Flow Chart

Flow Chart

 Flow chart a diagram is use to graphically represent program logic, algorithm and workflow model because A picture is worth a thousand words. Flow chart is easy way to write down programming logic using various symbols which help programming easily convert these symbols of logic into its equivalent code in any language. Flow chart decreases software development process.

The first structured method for document process flow, the "flow process chart", was introduced by Frank and Lillian Gilbreth to members of the American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME) in 1921 in the presentation "Process Charts: First Steps in Finding the One Best Way to do Work". The Gilbreths' tools quickly found their way into industrial engineering curricula. In the early 1930s, an industrial engineer, Allan H. Mogensen began training business people in the use of some of the tools of industrial engineering at his Work Simplification Conferences in Lake Placid, New York.

Practice Question Data and Variable C language

Q1. What is difference between sign and unsigned data type in C language?

 Q2. What is difference between float and double data type?

 Q3. What do you understand by garbage data?

 Q4. If a variable is used in any expression without initialization then what will be result?

 Q5. What the use of scientific notation?