Wednesday 19 July 2017

Difference between Structure and Union

Sr No.

Structure is user defined data type
Which store a record with multiple value
Union is also a user defined data type
But only one member can be saved at a time
Separate space was allocated for each member of structure
A common space allocated for all member

All members can be initialized at ones.
Only one member can be initialized at a time.

Total memory allocated by a structure variable is equal to number of member allocated space.
Space allocated equal to higher member allocated space.
One can provide and used all member data simultaneously.
Only one member value can be read or write at ones.
Uses rate of structure is higher due to separate space allocation for each member.
Uses rate is lower than structure due common space allocation.

You can updated previous value of any member without losing other member data
If a member initialized and another attempt for change value of other member lead loss of previous value.

struct stu
     int roll;
     char nm[10];
     char city[10];
union emp
     int roll;
     char nm[10];
     char city[10];
void main()
     struct stu ob1;
     union emp ob2;
     strcpy(,"Student Help");
     printf("\nSize of Structure %d",sizeof(ob1));
     printf("\nSize of Union\t %d",sizeof(ob2));
     printf("\nUnion Roll %d",ob2.roll);
     printf("\nValue Loss due to Union  %d",ob2.nm);

Difference Between Union and Enum


Union is user defined data type which is use to store a data member from more than one data member. Followings are some key point about union
  • Union is also a user defined data type But only one member can be saved at a time
  • A common space allocated for all member
  • Only one member can be initialized at a time.
  • Space allocated equal to higher member allocated space.
  • Only one member value can be read or write at ones.
  • Uses rate is lower than structure due common space allocation.
  • If a member initialized and another attempt for change value of other member lead loss of previous value. 
union emp
     int roll;
     char nm[10];
     char city[10];
void main()
     union emp ob2;     

     printf("\nSize of Union\t %d",sizeof(ob2));
     printf("\nUnion Roll %d",ob2.roll);
     printf("\nValue Loss due to Union  %d",ob2.nm); 


Enumerate is user defined data type which is integer value assign to a data member as its options. Enumerate is useful to provide user friendly name for available integer options used as some setting of application. For example if an application has shown available color to its window by integer number as we have seen in dos color command.

So for change color you need to remember color code which increase complexity. By using enumeration you provide color name in user friendly mode.
i.e.  Color.Red,Color.Blue instead of integer code. System will find the correspondence integer related to given color by enumeration definition.

Saturday 15 July 2017

Greatest Number from array using Pointer

Q : Write a program using pointer to find greatest number in an array.

Solution : 

#define MAX 5
void main()
     int ar[MAX],*pt,h,i;
          printf("Enter Number>> ");

Table read with Java Script

This is how I consummate reading a table in javascript. Basically I study down into the rows and then I was able to drill down into the individual cells for each row. This should give you an idea.

Roll Name City
101 Sona Varanasi
102 Mona Chandauli
103 Amit Jaunpur

    <title>Girfa Student Help : Table read with javascript</title>
        function GetData()

Bitwise operator

Logical Operators

Logical operators are used to make a decision on behalf of some criteria. We evaluate given criteria in terms of (and,or,not). Decision making process changed with given terms. If AND  is used there then all given criteria must be true to become result true and in case of OR , condition become true if any given criteria return true. Not reverse result True to false and vice versa.

Friday 14 July 2017

Variable to SQL Query

Sometimes there is a need to store a SQL query output to a variable in store procedure. This feature gives programming flexibility to apply more action while generating output.
For example, you can apply more group option in a simple way which was complicated in a single query or if you want to concatenate the output of some query etc.

USE [Girfa_Portal]

Thursday 13 July 2017

Register Variable

Register Variable C Language

Register is a special type of storage medium for making variables in c language. When there is a need of access any variable very frequently like inside of loops. For increase of access time of a variable it can be take place direct on register. If a variable is on a register then its take less time compare to access a variable form memory because register is a part of CPU.

Wednesday 12 July 2017

Multiple Condition with parameter in sql server

Multiple Condition with parameter in sql server

USE [Girfa_Portal]
--=========== Condition with concatenate =========================
ALTER procedure [dbo].[Girfa]
(@arg varchar(500))

Tuesday 11 July 2017

Auto variable

Auto variable "C" Language

Auto or local variable in c language is a type of variable which space allocate and deallocate space automatically and static in by nature. An auto variable is invisible from outside of a function or block. So an auto variable can be access within the block where it is defined. By default all variable in a block or function is auto by nature. Auto keyword is used to make auto variable which is optional.

Auto int a;


Int a

void main()
     int a=10;


Putch "C" Function 

Print a single alphanumeric character. This function can  print only one character at a time.

Syntax :


Example :                  

void main()

CSS Animation

Father of CSS Animation

CSS Animation


Main CSS Code

@charset "UTF-8";

 * animate.css -
 * Version - 3.5.2
 * Licensed under the MIT license -
 * Copyright (c) 2017 Daniel Eden

Monday 10 July 2017


Putchar 'C 'Output Function 

Putchar write a character to standard output (monitor). It takes argument as character and returns its integer form without sign. If a writing error occurs, EOF is returned and the error indicator (ferror) is set.
void main()
     char ar[]={"Girfa"};

Sunday 9 July 2017


Getchar Function

Getchar takes input a character from standard input (stdin) and return integer value without sign.

int main(void)
   int c;

   /* Note that getchar reads from stdin and

Saturday 8 July 2017


Getche function

Getche is same as getch function, both takes input from keyboard the difference is return type.
  • Getch does not echo given character only return integer value
  • Getche  echo and return integer code of given character

void main()
    char n;


Getch takes input a character from keyboard.  Getch is different from scanf because user need to press enter explicitly to complete input process but getch intensely return pressed key ASCII.

Some people used getch  to hold program output because when getch excuted it wait for a character and until user press a character next statement would not get executed.

Friday 7 July 2017

Switch Case C Language

Switch Case

A switch case is uncomplicated solution/alternate of complicated nested if-else. It is useful when there is a need check to arise multiple possibility on single variable like print day of the week name based on the given day number. Best for long if statements that compare a variable to several "integral" values ("integral" values are simply values that can be expressed as an integer, such as the value of a char).

Switch case syntax

Above figure is showing syntax of switch case. In syntax break and default are in bracket, which means they are optional. You can use more than one case without using break. If break is omitted, then all the ca

Thursday 6 July 2017

Java Script Date dd/mm/yyyy format

Get Java Script Date dd/mm/yyyy format

    <title>Girfa Student Help</title>
        function GetDate()
            var d = new Date();

Lucas Series

Lucas Numbers similar to the Fibonacci series that often occurs when working with the Fibonacci series. Edouard Lucas (1842-1891) (who gave the name "Fibonacci Numbers" to the series written about by Leonardo of Pisa) studied this second series of numbers: 2, 1, 3, 4, 7, 11, 18, .. called the Lucas numbers in his honour. On this page we examine some of the interesting properties of the Lucas numbers themselves as well as looking at its close relationship with the Fibonacci numbers. The following page generalises further by taking any two starting values.

/* #######    Girfa Student Help ###############
      Lucas Sequesnce Program
      for more program visit :
  ##############################################  */
void main()
    int a,b,c;

Saturday 24 June 2017

Number to word convert

Q : Write a program to convert a number into its equivalent word without using character array?

/* ##########################################
     Girfa : Student Help
     Program : Number to word converter
     for more program visit :
void single(int);
int reverce(int);
void ten(int);
void hundred(int);
void printhundred(int);
void main()

Thursday 22 June 2017

Looping With Cursor SQL Server

Cursor is an database object which is use when there is a need to process table record row by row . you can access each field of your table at record by record.In relational databases, operations are made on a set of rows. For example, a SELECT statement returns a set of rows which is called a result set. Sometimes the application logic needs to work with a row at a time rather than the entire result set at once. In T-SQL, one way of doing this is using a CURSOR. For example when we want to get record from one table and need to insert into another with performing some logic or some conditions .For example if we want to get value from one table row by row  and need to perform some logic over that and update /insert into another table then we can use cursors. Cursor basically works as for/While loop.

USE [Girfa_tportal]
alter procedure [dbo].[GetStudentContact]
Declare @phone as varchar(15)
Declare @email as varchar(50)

Wednesday 21 June 2017

Multiple Return SQL Server Function

Table value function

For return more than value from SQL-Server? To do so you need to make table value function.
A table value function use to return more than one value in the form of table.

USE [Girfa_portal]
/****** Girfa Student Help ******/

create FUNCTION [dbo].[getBookIssueFineDay]
       @roll int