Friday 4 May 2018

Structure Programming

Structure programming is a programming approach in which all the programming task is achieved through function/Methods that is sometimes it’s called modular programming. Structure programming uses procedure approach to solve a program using top down methodology. 

One big advantage of structure programming language is simplicity because we have to design programming task in modules which are connected to each other and can be called from any functions. We have all the modern powerful programming stuff like loop, switch-case, if-else etc that help to reduce the uses of goto statement because goto statement makes our program unstructured due to random move to any other statements.

Monday 30 April 2018

While Loop with example

Q : Write and explain the action of WHILE statement. Develop a program in ‘C’ language to compute the average of every third integer number lying between 1 and 100. Include appropriate documentation.

Solution : 

Array Input using function

A, B and C are three 3x3 matrices containing real elements. Write a ‘C’ function to input from user appropriate values into matrices A and B. Use suitable loops. Make use of pointers if necessary.

Solution : 

Girfa Student Help
Program : 3x3 Array input using function
More Program :
#define MAX 3
void input(int [][MAX]);
void print(int [][MAX]);

Wednesday 25 April 2018

HTML Sample Paper

Internet & Web Design (HTML)

Note : each Question carry one marks of part and only three question need to attempt in part two, each carry 10 marks . No negative marks penalty for wrong answer.
Name : __________________                                                                                                                   Time : 45  Minute

Part 1
Multiple Choice
1. ………. Is Self-close tag .
A) strong   B) pre   C)img   D) None
2. Each property of HTML tag is separated by
A) Double quote   B) Single quote   C) /   D)None
3.  Special character code in HTML start with ….
A) &    B)@     C)#    D)None
4.  tag doesn't usually appear in your document. But identify the page's author, keywords used for searching.
A) <head>    B) <title>   C) <meta>    D)<script>
5. Which of the following is odd one for a form.