Sunday 5 July 2020

Change/return more than value from function | C Language

Q : Write down three different methods used for referencing multiple values from a function.

Answer : you can return only one value from function using return statement but you can change multiple values from a function using a pointer, array, and structure. The following program will show you a demo. 

#include "mylib.h"
     Girfa Student Help
     Multiple value set from function
struct data
     int roll;
     int marks;

Create your own header file | C language

create  a blank file and  add following code

int sum(int a, int b)
     return(a + b);

save this file named with myheader.h

create  a new file and call your function  as given below



#include "mylib.h"


     Girfa Student Help

     Substring wihout using library function


void main()






Tuesday 30 June 2020

Substring program without library function | C Language

Q : Write a ‘C’ Program to find substring of string without using Library Function.

Answer :

#define MAX 50
     Girfa Student Help
     Substring wihout using library function

Sunday 28 June 2020

Sum of lower triangular program | C language

Q : Write a ‘C’ Program to find Sum of lower triangular elements in a matrix.

Answer : 

Lower triangular

Lower triangular matrix is a special square matrix whole all elements above the main diagonal is zero.