Sunday, 28 June 2020

Sum of lower triangular program | C language

Q : Write a ‘C’ Program to find Sum of lower triangular elements in a matrix.

Answer : 

Lower triangular

Lower triangular matrix is a special square matrix whole all elements above the main diagonal is zero.

Delete a number by given position from array program | C Language

Q : Write a program to delete an element from a given location of an array of integers.

Answer : 

#define MAX 50
     Girfa Student Help
     Remove from array by given index

Link List vs Array

Q :Define array and link list. Give one example for each showing its usage

Answer :

Define Link List

struct node
     int data;
     struct node *next;
int ar[5];

Saturday, 27 June 2020

Whatsapp button for website

Add whatsup button at bottom right side of your website. Button will show when user scroll down because it can disturb your home page opening view. When user will click on whatsapp button it will redirect to whatsapp message mode to the given number.

    /* ========= CSS ==========*/
    .g-whatsapp {
        display: none;
        position: fixed;
        bottom: 20px;
        right: 30px;
        z-index: 99;
        cursor: pointer;