Saturday 20 June 2020

Sum of digit program C language

Q : Write a program to find the sum of the digits of a number.

Answer :

     Girfa Student Help
     Sum of digits of a number
void main()

Difference between = and == operator C Language

Difference between = and == operator C Language

Assignment Operator

= is an assignment operator which transfer right  hand variable value to left hand side variable with over right mode.

int i=1,j=2;

Friday 19 June 2020

Prime number program 1 to 100

Q : Write a program to print all prime numbers from 1 to 100. Use nested loops, break or continue statement wherever necessary.

Answer : 

     Girfa Student Help
     Prime number 1 to 100

Goto C Language

Goto Example C Language

Goto is a statement which is used to transfer execution control to a label. Goto is an old approach of programming which unstructured a program structure. So programmer ignor goto in modern programming.
In some old programming language like Assembly, goto is used to implement iteration.

Syntax :

goto syntax