Friday 15 December 2017

Sort Array using pointer

Question : Write a function in ‘C’, using pointers for the array of elements, for sorting the elements.
Solution : 

void sort(int*);
void main()

Thursday 14 December 2017

Sort an Array using pointer

Q : What do you mean by a pointer variable? Write a function in ‘C’, using pointers for the array of elements, for sorting the elements.

Solution : 


A pointer is a special type of variable which hold physical address of a non pointer variable.Symbol * is used to make a pointer variable. Programmer can change a variable value from another location with the help of pointer. Call reference is an example of pointer , in which  a variable physical address pass to a function and any change made inside of function direct effect actual value of passed variable due to pointer.

Monday 11 December 2017

Show Modal Using Html.ActionLink

This post will give you an idea about how can you show a bootsrap modal using Html.ActionLink. I will also show you that how can you call a java script function with argument while showing modal.

Ones you will be able to call java script function while showing modal then you will be able to fetch data from server using ajax.

Hyperlink Code :

@Html.ActionLink("Detail", "_myModal", "Usertask", new { id = item.ID }, new { data_toggle = "modal", data_target = "#myModal", onclick = "test("+item.ID +");" })

Saturday 9 December 2017

Structure Example

Q : What is meant by structure data type? How do we reference the elements of a structure?
Give example of how a value of a structure can be assigned to another structure.

Solution : 

A structure is user defined data type which is used to store record based data. Structure is useful when there is a need to process record type data for example student record which is a combination of more than variable (roll,name,class,marks etc). Structure encapsulates more than one variable into a single logical unit. Without structure, processing of record based data is not an easy task. Programmer need to declare many variables with different name. Which increase complexity?