Sunday, 23 July 2017

Assignment Data Structure through C

Data Structure through C

Q 1. What is data structure and what are the uses of data structure in computer science?
Q 2.What is difference between Single and Double link list?

Assignment Principle of management

Principle of Management

Q.1-Explain “management as a science”?
Q.2-What is planning? what are its advantages?
Q.3-How Many Types of Co-ordination? Give Brief?

Assignment Operating System

Operating System

Q1 what is operating system and its uses?
Q2. What is multiprogramming explain with example?

Assignment SSAD


Q1. What do you understand by SDLC explain different phases of SDLC.
Q2. What is testing? How many type of testing used in software engineering?
Q3. Discuss various steps in requirement analysis?