Tuesday 11 July 2017

Auto variable

Auto variable "C" Language

Auto or local variable in c language is a type of variable which space allocate and deallocate space automatically and static in by nature. An auto variable is invisible from outside of a function or block. So an auto variable can be access within the block where it is defined. By default all variable in a block or function is auto by nature. Auto keyword is used to make auto variable which is optional.

Auto int a;


Int a

void main()
     int a=10;


Putch "C" Function 

Print a single alphanumeric character. This function can  print only one character at a time.

Syntax :


Example :                  

void main()

CSS Animation

Father of CSS Animation

CSS Animation


Main CSS Code

@charset "UTF-8";

 * animate.css -http://daneden.me/animate
 * Version - 3.5.2
 * Licensed under the MIT license - http://opensource.org/licenses/MIT
 * Copyright (c) 2017 Daniel Eden

Monday 10 July 2017


Putchar 'C 'Output Function 

Putchar write a character to standard output (monitor). It takes argument as character and returns its integer form without sign. If a writing error occurs, EOF is returned and the error indicator (ferror) is set.
void main()
     char ar[]={"Girfa"};