Wednesday 11 January 2017

UGC Net Computer Science December-12 Paper 3 Page 2

UGC Net Computer Science December-12 Paper 3 Page 2 Solved

UGC Net Computer Science December-12 Paper 3 Page 2 Solved

11. The time complexities of some standard graph algorithms are given.Match each algorithm with its time complexity ? (n and m are no. of nodes and edges respectively)

a. Bellman Ford algorithm                         1. O (m log n)
b. Kruskals algorithm                                 2. O (n3)       
c. Floyd Warshall algorithm                       3. O(mn)
d. Topological sorting                                4. O(n + m)

Codes :
       a b c d
(A) 3 1 2 4
(B) 2 4 3 1
(C) 3 4 1 2
(D) 2 1 3 4
Answer A

Monday 9 January 2017

UGC Net Computer Science December-12 Paper 3

UGC Net Computer Science December-12 Paper 3 (Solved)

UGC Net Computer Science December-12 Paper 3 (Solved)

1. Eco system is a Frame work for
(A) Building a Computer System
(B) Building Internet Market
(C) Building Offline Market
(D) Building Market
Answer B
Explanation : 

A digital ecosystem is a distributed, adaptive, open socio-technical system with properties of self-organisation, scalability and sustainability inspired from natural ecosystems. Digital ecosystem models are informed by knowledge of natural ecosystems, especially for aspects related to competition and collaboration among diverse entities. The term is used in the computer industry, the entertainment industry, and the World Economic Forum.

VLC crashed on window

VLC crashed on window

Sunday 8 January 2017

UGC Net Computer Science Paper 1 December 12 , Page 2-Solved

UGC Net Computer Science Paper 1 December 12 , Page 2-Solved

UGC Net Computer Science Paper 1 December 12 , Page 2-Solved

11. The sum of the ages of two persons A and B is 50. 5 years ago, the ratio of their ages was 5/3. The present age of A and B are
(A) 30, 20
 (B) 35, 15
(C) 38, 12
 (D) 40, 10
Answer A
Explanation :-
a + b = 50
(a-5)/(b-5) = 5/3
For solve this expression we need to change a with b

a = 50-b

(50-b-5)/(b-5) = 5/3
3(45-b) = 5(b-5)
135 - 3b = 5b - 25
8b = 160
b = 20
Then a = 30

12. Let a means minus (–), b means multiplied by (x), C means divided by (/) and D means plus (+). The value of 90 D 9 a 29 C 10 b 2 is
(A) 8 
(B) 10
(C) 12 
(D) 14
Answer Incorrect
Explanation :-
a = -
b = *
c = /
d = +

90 D 9 a 29 C 10 b 2

90 + 9 - 29 / 10 * 2