Friday 16 September 2016

NIELIT A Level Introduction to Database Management System Assignment

Introduction to Database Management System
Assignment 8

Normalization of the CAR_SALE Table.
The purpose of this exercise is for you to demonstrate your ability to take a database schema and convert it up through the Third Normal Form. Upon completion of this exercise you will have:

a) Listed the functional dependencies for a database schema
b) Explained why a specific schema is not in Second or Third Normal Form
c) Normalized a given schema into the Third Normal Form
The below scenario has been created to help you determine the table structures r

NIELIT A Level Introduction to Database Management System Assignment

Introduction to Database Management System
Assignment 7

The NBA (NDHU Basketball Association) is in dire need of a database in order to keep track of the 
activities in their league.
The entities in the database are

  • People (with attributes id, name and age),
  • Teams (with attributes team name and manager), and
  • Courts (with attributes court id, address and capacity).

NIELIT A Level Introduction to Database Management System Assignment

Introduction to Database Management System
Assignment 6

Produce an E-R diagram, which documents the entities and relationships involved in the staff management and pay-roll for the employees working in a super market. Create a relational schema to hold information. Identify the tables, perform normalization to the tables
and fully implement the code with necessary validations using MS-Access / FOXPRO /

NIELIT A Level Introduction to Database Management System Assignment

Introduction to Database Management System
Assignment 5

Assume that a Consumer item lease Company which leases various household items to its clients for their use for a specific period of time, maintains the following tables:

Clients (clientID, name, address, contact Phone)
Itemlist (itemID, itemName, itemCost, purchase Date )
Leaselist (clientID, transactionNO, itemID, startDate, returnDate, amountTObeCharged)