Friday 16 September 2016

NIELIT A Level Introduction to Database Management System Assignment

Introduction to Database Management System
Assignment 4

Consider the following requirements for a construction company that uses database system to keep track of its projects, workers and material requirements of various projects.

The projects for the company are of two kinds: (i) Turn key projects and (ii) Others.All the projects have a life cycle (Please note that the turn key projects have a maintenance phase in addition.) and workers are allotted as per the phase of the project. Each project has its own plan of completion that is drawn at the start of the project. The worker and material requirement of project is calculated at the start of the project.

Thursday 15 September 2016

NIELIT A Level Introduction to Database Management System Assignment

Introduction to Database Management System
Assignment 3

Performa following queries in SQL using the above schema:
a) Find details of Teachers who taught DBMS.
b) Find details of students who did MCA from PB University.
c) Find courses taught by T# 5078.

NIELIT A Level Introduction to Database Management System Assignment

Introduction to Database Management System
Assignment 2

Create an E R diagram and relational schema to hold information about the situation inmany institutions affiliated to some University, many teachers of different disciplines areteaching to many students enrolled in many courses offered by the university to thestudents through the institutions. Use concept of keys, aggregation, generalisation,cardinality etc. in a proper way.Say the schema of respective entities is:Teacher( T#, Tname, Tqual, Tsubject, Tcourse, Prog)

NIELIT A Level Introduction to Database Management System Assignment

Introduction to Database Management System
Assignment 1

The following tables form part of a database held in a relational DBMS:
  •  Hotel (Hotel_No , Name, Address) 
  • Room (Room_No, Hotel_No, Type, Price)
  •  Booking (Hotel_No, Guest_No, Date_From, Date_To, Room_No) 
  • Guest (Guest_No, Name, Address) 

where Hotel contains hotel details and Hotel_No is the primary key. Room contains room details for each hotel and (Hotel_No, Room_No) forms the primary key. Booking contains details of the bookings and the primary key comprises (Hotel_No, Guest_No, Date From) and Guest contains guest details and Guest_No is the primary key.