2-D Array Programming

Q 1. Write a program to implement 2-d array multiplication ?
Q 2.  Write a function that returns 1 if the two matrices passed to it as argument are equal and 0

Q 3 : Write a ‘C’ program to find out sum of diagonal elements of a matrix using ‘C’.
Q 4 : Write a ‘C’ function to calculate matrix C such that C=A+B Use suitable loops. Make use of pointers if necessary

Q 4 :  Define a two dimensional array ‘int a[10][10]’. Write a ‘C’ program to initialize this array with numbers between 0 and 99. Then print the contents of ‘a’.

Q 5 : A, B and C are three 3x3 matrices containing real elements.

Q 7 : Write a function to display the multiplication table of the number.

Q 8 : Write a function fnmat() which takes matrix, m, n as arguments where matrix is of size mXn with m as rows and n as columns. Function should return the maximum and minimum elements of the matrix. Elements of matrix are of integer type.

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