Monday 8 January 2018

Java Script Array of object

Java script support object data type which can be used to store data as in structure ( C Language). Object of array, you can use for pass bulk of record to server in ajax mvc application. Object of array minimize your work and enable you to process records instead of individual variable. Following code demonstrate to handle array of object with input and print operation.

    <title>Girfa Java Script Array of object</title>

Sunday 7 January 2018

Average of every third integer between 1 to 100

Q : Write and explain the action of WHILE statement. Develop a program in ‘C’ language to compute the average of every third integer number lying between 1 and 100. Include appropriate documentation.

Solution : 

Read While loop

Program :

void main()
     int a,b,c;

Wednesday 3 January 2018

Structure array input output program

Q : Define a structure of employees of an organization with the following fields:
Empno, Empname, Date_of_joining, Salary, Department
Write a program which accepts names of ten employees and print them on the screen

Solution : 

     Girfa Student Help
     Program : Structure 10 record input/output
     More Program :
typedef struct stu
     int Empno;
     char Empname[50];
     char Date_of_joining[12];
     int Salary;
     char Department[30];

Tuesday 2 January 2018

Handle multiple checkbox PHP

Handle multiple checkbox knowledge is required while there is a need to take user choice through