Saturday 6 February 2016

Object Oriented Programming (OOPS)

Object Oriented Programming Banner OOP


     In object oriented programming basic working unit start with a class. Class is a template which comprises all the aspect of an object which is a instance of a class.

     In OOP we first create a class to solve any problem. A Class is divide into two parts first is Data section other is function or method section. In data section we get data member which are needed to solve a problem and function section we implement function section functions are defined which handle data.

Class Diagram example OOPs

Monday 1 February 2016

How to make HTML File using PHP

If you are familiar with C filing programming then your knowledge will be work here. Just copy and paste the following complete code and implement your logic as you want 

$myfile = fopen($_POST['fnm'].".html", "w") or die("Unable to open file!");
fwrite($myfile, $_POST['msg']);

YouTube HTML 5 Embed iframe code from URL with PHP

Hi folks
I was making a website and my client request me to upload youtube video on his website. For do this take some fact about youtube video

  • When upload video. Youtube provide a unique URL for every uploaded video which user can use to share their video to other platform or other youtube user.
  • Iframe is used to show youtube video on other website
  • An embedded URL need in iframe SRC

Wednesday 13 January 2016

Discrete Mathematics Tutorial

Deductive logic

Deductive logic reasoning, a conclusion makes on the behalf of some intact fact which show conclusion is true.


  • All man is mortal
  • Rakesh is a man
  • So rakesh is mortal

Deductive logic some time contra of inductive logic because it has strong fact which to mostly conclusion is true. Deductive logic tends to specific conclusion.

Inductive logic

In inductive logic reasoning a conclusion makes on the behalf of some fact like deductive but it is not always necessary that conclusion will be true.


  • Some parents are addicted to alcohol
  • Then it is necessary to their children will also be addicted to alcohol

Is it always happened ? answer is no, not at all. So fact is strong but not showing conclusion will always be true it may be false. Inductive logic make fact specific to general