Saturday 9 December 2017

Structure C Language

Structure  C Language

A structure is user defined data type which is used to store record based data. Structure is useful when there is a need to process record type data for example student record which is a combination of more than variable (roll,name,class,marks etc). Structure encapsulates more than one variable into a single logical unit. Without structure, processing of record based data is not an easy task. Programmer need to declare many variables with different name. Which increase complexity?

Friday 8 December 2017

C Language Practice Question

O level ‘C’ Language

All questions are mandatory of part 1. Each question carries 1 mark for Part 1, Part 2 marks written front of question.

Multiple Choice

1. Example of exit control loop.
(A) do-while   
(B) for
(C) while 
(D) All

Saturday 2 December 2017

Jquery Drop Down Menu Operation

Jquery Drop Down Menu Operation

Reset Drop Down List :

Syntax : 

  $('Your drop Down ID').prop('selectedIndex', 0);

Thursday 30 November 2017


Q : Write a program to compute the following series:

x + x3 / 3! + x5/ 5! + …

To a given accuracy for x from 00 to 1800 in the steps of 100, use a inbuilt function FACT(n) to compute the factorial.

Solution : 

int fact(int);
void main()
     int x,step,y,i;