Tuesday 26 July 2016

C++ Java Polymorphism

Stack Using Single Link List

/*  **********************************
Girfa Student Help
Stack Using Single Link List
Programmer Name : Mritunjoy Sengupta
for DS program visit :http://girfahelp.blogspot.in/p/data.html
typedef struct n
int data;
struct n *next;
node *start=NULL;
node* create(int);
void push(int);
void pop();
void print();

Double Link List Complete Program


/* ************************************
Girfa Student Help
Double Link List Program
for More DS Program Visit : http://girfahelp.blogspot.in/p/data.html
Programmer Name : Mritunjoy Sengupta

typedef struct n
int data;
struct n *pre,*next;
node* start=NULL;

node* create(int);
void addfirst(int);
void addlast(int);
void addbefore(int);
void addafter(int);
void del(int);
void print();

Monday 25 July 2016

UGC Net General Paper July-16 Set4

43. What are the barriers to effective communication?
  (1) Moralising, being judgemental and comments of consolation.
  (2) Dialogue, summary and self-review.
  (3) Use of simple words, cool reaction and defensive attitude.
  (4) Personal statements, eye contact and simple narration.
Answer : 1

44. The choice of communication partners is influenced by factors of
   (1) Proximity, utility, loneliness
   (2) Utility, secrecy, dissonance
   (3) Secrecy, dissonance, deception
   (4) Dissimilarity, dissonance, deviance
Answer : 1