Sunday 6 March 2016

Reading PHP and MySQL a Single Value from a table

When you want to read a single value from a MySQL table following code will help you.

Your need to fetch row using query function with following syntax

     [connection_object]->query(sql statement)

After fetched rows use mysqli_fetch_assoc function for access row by row records
    Var_name= mysqli_fetch_assoc([connection_object]->query(SQL Statement))

mysqli_fetch_assoc returns one dimensional array so use can use table column name as index

Thursday 3 March 2016

What is cable Modem

" Simply Dish cable connection to homes "

A cable modem is used in homes for cable services provide by the service provider.Coaxial cable is used to connect our home to cable operator office a modem is attached with television, which convert analog signal to digital signal Vice-Versa.

Saturday 27 February 2016


Mainly used in LAN in which entire capacity of the medium is dedicated to a particular device, Simple and small than broad band.

     Digital communication technology in which (in contrast to 'broadband') the entire bandwidth (data carrying capacity) of a medium such as a wire, cable, or channel, is used to transmit a single signal. Therefore, only one communication channel is available at any given time. Baseband is cheaper and simpler (though less versatile) technology than broadband, and is employed in most types of local area networks such as Ethernet and Token Ring.

Why was the OSI developed

  • Educational purpose
  • To make a standard which help to vender for developed network hardware
  • Making a good understanding people of networking concept
  • It’s just a model which help making networking concept more depict able 
  • Making Layering concept more clear than TCP/IP