Sunday 30 June 2024

Fill date in input type date using javascript

<input type="date" name="DOB"  id="dob" placeholder="Date of Birth  " >

Input type date takes date in format of yyyy-mm-dd. But it will show you as per your local clock setting.

While editing A form we need to fill the date coming from the database into the date picker. You will have to change format yyyy-mm-dd otherwise date will not be show .

My date formate coming from the database is 15-05-1985
 <input type="hidden" id="ddob" value="@Model.DOB" />

var dt = new Date($("#ddob").val().split("/").reverse().join("/"));

        var td = dt.getFullYear() + "-";

        month = (dt.getMonth() + 1);

        if (month < 10)

            td += "0" + month;


            td += month;

        td += "-";

        day = dt.getDate();

        if (day < 10)

            td += "0" + day;


            td += day;       


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Thursday 27 June 2024

Install Let's Encrypt SSL into Godaddy shared Linux hosting


Let's Encrypt provide free SSL certificate. Mostly Hosting service provider automatically install Let's Encrypt SSL but some hosting provider like Godaddy doesn't support Let's Encrypt by default.