
Wednesday 12 July 2023

Solved paper Programming and Problem Solving Through Python M3-R5 Set 1

 Solved paper Programming and Problem-Solving Through Python M3-R5 Set 1 | NIELIT O Level

1.  ____is part of user documentation.
(A) Class Diagram (B) Code Comment (C) Use Case (D) Installation Guide

2. Determine the output :

for i in range(20,30,10) : j=i/2


(A) 10 15 (B) 10.0 15.0 (C) 10.0 (D) None of these

3. print(np.minimum([2, 3, 4], [1, 5, 2]))
(A) [1 2 5] (B) [1 5 2] (C) [2 3 4] (D) [1 3 2]

4. Python is a case sensitive language when dealing with identifiers.
(A) True (B) False (C) Sometimes (D) Never

5. What is the output of the following code ?
print(bool(0), bool(3.14159), bool(3), bool(1.0+1j))

(A) True True False True (B) False True False True
(C) False False False True (D) False True True True

6. What will be the output of the following Python code ? def C2F(c) :
return c*9/5+32 print (C2F(100))
print (C2F(0))
(A) 212.0
(B) 314 24
(C) 567 98
(D) None of the above

7. To repeat a particular task, we use .
(A) Input (B) Loop (C) Output (D) Condition

8. Which of the following statement will execute in last ?
def s(n1): #Statement 1 print(n1) #Statement 2
n2=4 #Statement 3
s(n2) #Statement 4
(A) Statement 1 (B) Statement 2 (C) Statement 3 (D) Statement 4

9. Actual instructions in flowcharting are represented in .
(A) Circles (B) Boxes (C) Arrows (D) Lines

10. What is the output of the following ?
x = 'abcd'
for i in range(len(x)) : i.upper()
print (x)
(A) a b c d (B) 0 1 2 3
(C) error (D) none of the mentioned

11. Which attribute is used to find the data type of numpy array ?
(A) type(array) (B) dtype
(C) objects.type(array) (D) numpy(type)

12. What will be output for the following code ? import numpy as np
a = np.array([1,2,1,5,8])
b = np.array([0,1,5,4,2]) c = a + b
c = c*a print (c[2])
(A) 6 (B) 10 (C) 0 (D) None of these

13. What is the output of the below program ? def func(a, b=5, c=10) :
print('a is', a, 'and b is', b, 'and c is', c) func(3, 7)
func(25, c = 24) func(c = 50, a = 100)
(A) a is 7 and b is 3 and c is 10 a is 25 and b is 5 and c is 24
a is 5 and b is 100 and c is 50
(B) a is 3 and b is 7 and c is 10 a is 5 and b is 25 and c is 24
a is 50 and b is 100 and c is 5
(C) a is 3 and b is 7 and c is 10 a is 25 and b is 5 and c is 24
a is 100 and b is 5 and c is 50
(D) None of the mentioned

14. Any algorithm is a program written according to proper syntax.
(A) True (B) False (C) Can‟t say (D) May be

15. What is full form of CSV ?
(A) Comma Separation Value
(B) Comma Separated Variable
(C) Comma Separated Values
(D) Common Syntax Value

16. Which of the following is not a keyword in python ?
(A) return (B) in (C) False (D) false

17. What will be the output of the following Python code ? x = 50
def func(x):
print('x is', x) x = 2
print('Changed local x to', x) func(x)
print('x is now', x)
(A) x is 50
Changed local x to 2 x is now 50
(B) x is 50
Changed local x to 2 x is now 2
(C) x is 50
Changed local x to 2 x is now 100
(D) None of the mentioned

18. Choose the answer for statement 3.
import rec = [ ]
while True:
# statement 1
rn = int(input("Enter")) nm = input("Enter") temp = [rn, nm] rec.append(temp)
ch = input("Enter choice (Y/N)") if ch.upper == "N":
f = open("stud.dat", "______") #statement 2
  .dump(rec, f) #statement 3
  .close( ) # statement 4
(A) unpickle (B) pickle (C) write (D) None of the above

19. What will be the output of the following pseudo-code ?
Integer a 
Set a = 5
print a - 2
a = a- 1
while (a not equals 0) 
end while

(A)     5 3 0                     (B)    3 0                                 (C)    infinite loop           (D)    None of these

 20. Ravi opened a file in python using open( ) function but forgot to specify the mode. In which mode the file will open ?

(A)     write                              (B)     append                (C)    read            (D)    Both read and write

21. Which of the following is true for variable names ?

(A)         unlimited length

(B)         limited length

(C)         ampersand can be used in its name

(D)         None of the above

22. Fill in the blank.

Import pickle

f=open(“data.dat”, „rb‟)

d= .load(f) f.close()

(A) unpickle (B) pickling (C) pickle (D) pick

23. Flowcharts and algorithms are used for .
(A) Better programming (B) Efficient coding
(C) Easy testing and debugging (D) All of the above

24. Which statement will move file pointer 10 bytes backward from current position ? (A),0) (B),1)
(C),0) (D) None of the above

25. In python, which of the following functions is a built-in function ?
(A) val( ) (B) print( )
(C) func_k( ) (D) None of these

26. Which statement will return one line from a file (file object is „f‟) ?
(A) f.readlines() (B) f.readline() (C) (D) f.line()

27. Which module to be imported to make the following line functional ? sys.stdout.write(“ABC”)
(A) system (B) stdin (C) stdout (D) sys

28. What will be the output of following code ?
import math abs(math.sqrt(36))
(A) Error (B) 6 (C) 6 (D) 6.0

29. What is the output of following code ? a=set('abc')
b=set('cd') print(a^b)
(A) {a,b,c,d} (B) {'c', 'b', 'a', 'd'} (C) {'b', 'a', 'd'} (D) None of these

30. ___________is a connector showing the relationship between the representative shapes.
(A) Line (B) Arrow (C) Process (D) Box

31. Method which uses a list of well-defined instructions to complete a task starting from a given initial state to end state is called as .
(A) Program (B) Algorithm (C) Flowchart (D) Both (A) and (C)

32. What will be the output of the following Python code ? from math import factorial

(A) 5.0
(B) Nothing is printed
(C) Error, method sqrt doesn‟t exist in math module
(D) Error, the statement should be: print(sqrt(25))

33. Which of the following operators has the highest precedence ?
(A) & (B) * (C) not (D) +

34. Choose the answer for statement 1.
import rec = [ ]
while True:
# statement 1
rn = int(input("Enter")) nm = input("Enter") temp = [rn, nm] rec.append(temp)
ch = input("Enter choice (Y/N)") if ch.upper == "N":
f = open("stud.dat", " ") #statement 2
  .dump(rec, f) #statement 3
  .close( ) # statement 4

(A) csv (B) load (C) pickle (D) unpickle

35. What does os.getlogin() return ?
(A) name of the current user logged in
(B) gets a form to login as a different user
(C) name of the superuser
(D) all of the above

36. Which of these definitions correctly describes a module ?
(A) Denoted by triple quotes for providing the specification of certain program elements
(B) Design and implementation of specific functionality to be incorporated into a program
(C) Defines the specification of how it is to be used
(D) Any program that reuses code

37. Which statement is correct to import all modules from the package ?
(A) from package import all (B) from package import *
(C) from package include all (D) from package include *

38.   immediately terminates a loop entirely.
(A) break (B) continue (C) pass (D) none of these

39. An algorithm represented in the form of programming languages is .
(A) Flowchart (B) Pseudo code
(C) Program (D) None of the above

40. import numpy as np
a = np.array([1.1,2,3]) print(a.dtype)
(A) int32 (B) float64 (C) float (D) कख़ई नऻ 
What is the output of the following code ? import numpy as np
a = np.array([1.1,2,3]) print(a.dtype)
(A) int32 (B) float64 (C) float (D) None

41. Which of the following are valid escape sequences in Python ?
(A) \n (B) \t (C) \\ (D) All of the above
42. Choose the answer for statement 2.
import rec = [ ]
while True:
# statement 1
rn = int(input("Enter")) nm = input("Enter") temp = [rn, nm] rec.append(temp)
ch = input("Enter choice (Y/N)") if ch.upper == "N":
f = open("stud.dat", " ") #statement 2
  .dump(rec, f) #statement 3
  .close( ) # statement 4

(A) w (B) wb (C) w+ (D) write

43. Let us assume 4 is 100 in binary and 11 is 1011. What is the output of the following bitwise operators ?
a = 4
b = 11
print(a | b) print(a >> 2)
(A) 15 (B) 14 (C) 17 (D) 16
1 1 2 2

44. What is the output when we execute list("hello") ?
(A) ['h', 'e', 'l', 'l', 'o'] (B) [' hello'] (C) ['llo'] (D) ['olleh']

45. Which one of the following is immutable data type ?
(A) list (B) set (C) tuple (D) dict

46. What is the output of the following ? i = 2
while True:

if i%3 == 0:

break print(i,end=" " )
i += 2

(A) 2 4 6 8 10 ... (B) 2 4 (C) 2 3 (D) error

47. What will be the output of following code ? x = ['XX', 'YY']
for i in x i.lower()
(A) ['XX', 'YY'] (B) ['xx', 'yy']
(C) [XX, YY] (D) None of the above

48. Top-down approach is followed in structural programming.
(A) True (B) False (C) Can‟t say (D) May be

49. Which one of the following is the correct way of calling a function ?
(A) function_name() (B) call function_name()
(C) ret function_name() (D) function function_name()

50. If a function does not have a return statement, which of the following does the function return ?
(A) int
(B) null
(C) An exception is thrown without return
(D) None

51. The action performed by a structure must eventually cause the loop to terminate.
(A) sequence (B) process (C) repetition (D) case

52. What will be output for the following code ? import numpy as np
a = np.array([11,2,3])
(A) 2 (B) 1 (C) 11 (D) 3

53. Choose the answer for statement 4.
import rec = [ ]
while True:
# statement 1
rn = int(input("Enter")) nm = input("Enter") temp = [rn, nm] rec.append(temp)
ch = input("Enter choice (Y/N)") if ch.upper == "N":
f = open("stud.dat", " ") #statement 2
  .dump(rec, f) #statement 3
  .close( ) # statement 4

(A) f (B) rec (C) file (D) stud

54. What will be the output of the following pseudo code, where ʌ represent XOR operation ? Integer a, b, c
Set b = 5, a = 1 c = a ^ b
Print c
(A) 4 (B) 3 (C) 5 (D) 7

55. What are the attributes of numpy array ?
(A) shape, dtype, ndim (B) objects, type, list
(C) objects, non vectorization (D) Unicode and shape

56. In computer science, algorithm refers to a pictorial representation of a flowchart.
(A) True (B) False (C) Can‟t say (D) May be

57. What is the output of the following ? for i in range(10):
if i == 5:


(A) 0 1 2 3 4 Here (B) 0 1 2 3 4 5 Here (C) 0 1 2 3 4 (D) 1 2 3 4 5

58. Suppose a tuple arr contains 10 elements. How can you set the 5th element of the tuple to 'Hello' ?

(A)         arr[4] = 'Hello'

(B)         arr(4) = 'Hello'

(C)         Elements of tuple cannot be changed

(D)         arr[5] = 'Hello'

59. A flowchart that outlines the main segments of a program.

(A)     Queue                  (B)    Macro                  (C)    Micro                             (D)    Union


60. What is the output of the following code ?

a = 15

b = 6

print(a and b) print(a or b)

(A) True True (B) False False (C) 6 15 (D) 15 6

61. What is the output, if user has entered 55 ?
a=input("Enter a number") print(type(a))
(A) int (B) float (C) double (D) str

62. What will be the output of the following algorithm for a=5, b=8, c=6 ? Step 1: Start
Step 2: Declare variables a,b and c. Step 3: Read variables a,b and c.
Step 4: If a > b
If a > c
Display a is the largest number. Else
Display c is the largest number.

If b > c
Display b is the largest number. Else
Display c is the greatest number.
Step 5: Stop

(A) b is the largest number (B) a is the largest number
(C) c is the largest number (D) stop

63. Which of the following function takes two arguments ?

(A) load() (B) dump()

(C) both of the above (D) none of the above

64. Hierarchy in a pseudo-code can be shown by .

(A) Curly Braces (B) Round Brackets (C) Indentation (D) Semicolon

65. Which mode creates a new file if the file does not exist ?

(A) write mode (B) append mode

(C) both (A) & (B) (D) none of the above

66. Which function opens file in python ?

(A) open() (B) Open()

(C) new() (D) None of the above

67. What is the output of following code ?
(A) {4: 'D', 5: 'E', 1: 'A', 2: 'B', 3: 'C'} (B) {1: 'A', 2: 'B', 3: 'C', 4: 'D', 5: 'E'}
(C) {4: 'D', 5: 'E'} (D) None of these

68. Which statement will read 5 characters from a file(file object „f‟) ?
(A) (B)
(C) f.reads(5) (D) None of the above

69. The function can be called in the program by writing function name followed by . (A) [ ] (B) { }
(C) ( ) (D) None of the above

70. What will be the output of the following Python code ? from math import *
(A) 4 (B) 3 (C) 3.5 (D) None of these

71. What is the data type of following object ?
A = [5,‟abc‟,3.2,6]
(A) tuple (B) array (C) list (D) dictionary

72. A scans the entire program and translates it as a whole into machine code.
(A) Compiler (B) Interpreter
(C) Debugger (D) None of the above

73. The examination of changing values of variables is called stepping.
(A) True (B) False (C) Can‟t say (D) May be

74. What is the output of following code ? A=[[1,2,3],
(A) [1, 2, 3] (B) [4, 5, 6] (C) [2, 5, 8] (D) None of these

75. NumPY stands for ?
(A) Numbering Python
Number In Python
(C) Numerical Python (D) None of the above

76. Software mistakes during coding are known as
(A) errors (B) bugs (C) failures (D) defects

77. What is the output of the following code ? import numpy as np
a = np.array([[1,2,3],[4,5,6],[7,8,9]])
(A) (2, 3) (B) (3, 3) (C) (1,1) (D) None of these

78. What is the output of print((3)** 2) ?
(A) 9 (B) 6 (C) 6 (D) 9

79. What will be the output of the following Python code ? def say(message, times = 1):
print(message * times) say('Hello')
say('World', 5)
(A) Hello WorldWorldWorldWorldWorld
(B) Hello World5
(C) Hello World,World,World,World,World
(D) Hello HelloHelloHelloHelloHello

80. The operation represented by a parallelogram is called as .
(A) Input/Output (B) Comparison (C) Assignment (D) Conditions

81. What is the output of the following code ? import numpy as np
a = np.array([[1,2,3]]) print(a.ndim)
(A) 1 (B) 2 (C) 3 (D) 0

82. Which of the following is not the built-in function ?
(A) input( ) (B) tuple( ) (C) print( ) (D) dictionary( )

83. What will following code segment print ? a = True
b = False c = False
if a or b and c:
print "HELLO"
print "hello"
(A) HELLO (B) Hello (C) HellO (D) None of these

84. Which of the following number can never be generated by the following code : random.randrange(0, 50)
(A) 0 (B) 1 (C) 49 (D) 50

85. What is the output of the following ? x = 'abcd'
for i in range(x):
(A) a b c d (B) 0 1 2 3
(C) error (D) none of the mentioned

86. Which of the following items are present in the function header ?
(A) function name (B) parameter list (C) return value (D) Both (A) and (B)

87. What is the output of the following code ?
y = "I love Python" y[3] = 's'
(A) snow (B) snow world (C) Error (D) snos world

88. What will be the output of the following Python code ? min(max(False, 3, 4), 2,7)
(A) 4 (B) 3 (C) 2 (D) False

89. What is the output of the following ? t=(2, 3, 4, 3.5, 5, 6)
print(sum(t) + t.count(2))
(A) 24 (B) 23.5 (C) 24.5 (D) 25.5

90. What will be the output of the following Python code ? def sayHello():
print(„Hello World!‟)
sayHello() sayHello()
(A) Hello World!
Hello World!
(B) „Hello World!‟
„Hello World!‟
(C) Hello Hello
(D) None of the above

91. Which of the following is the use of function in python ?
(A) Functions are reusable pieces of programs
(B) Functions don‟t provide better modularity for your application
(C) You can‟t also create your own functions
(D) All of the mentioned

92. In which data type, indexing is not valid ?
(A) list (B) dictionary
(C) string (D) none of the above

93. How to copy one list to another in Python ?
(A) a1 = list(a2) (B) a1 = a2.copy() (C) a1[] = a2[:] (D) All of these

94. What is the output of the following code ?
a = 50
b = a= a*5 print(b)
(A) 250 (B) 10 (C) 50 (D) Syntax Error

95. In which language is Python written ?
(A) C (B) C++ (C) Java (D) None of these

96. Identify the correct function header.
(A) def fun(a=2, b=3, c) (B) def fun(a=2, b, c=3)
(C) def fun(a, b=2, c=3) (D) def fun(a, b, c=3, d)

97. Which of the following file can be opened in any text editor ?
(A) Binary (B) text
(C) Both of the above (D) None of the above

98. Which one of the following is correct ?
(A) Dictionary can have two same keys with different values
(B) Dictionary can have two same values with different keys
(C) Dictionary can have two same keys or same values but cannot have two same key-value pair
(D) Dictionary can neither have two same keys nor two same values

99. Which keyword is used for function ?
(A) fun (B) def (C) define (D) function

100. What is the purpose of the following code ? import numpy as np
(A) to convert z to array (B) to convert z to list
(C) Both of the above (D) None of the above


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