
Friday 5 May 2023

Solved : Application of .NET Technology July 2021

 Solved : Application of .NET Technology July 2021

Q. 1 : Each question below gives a multiple choice of answers. Choose the most appropriate one and enter in the "OMR" answer sheet supplied with the question paper, following instructions therein.

1.1 : Which of the following .NET components can be used to remove unused references from the managed heap ?
(A) Common Language Infrastructure
(C) Garbage Collector
(D) Class Loader

1.2 : (A) System.Object
(B) System.Type
(C) System.Base
(D) System.Parent
Which of the following is the root of the
.NET type hierarchy ?
(A) System.Object
(B) System.Type
(C) System.Base
(D) System.Parent

1.3 : When does Garbage collector run ?
(A) When application is running low of memory
(B) It runs random
(C) When application is running for more than 15 minutes
(D) None of the above

1.4 : (A) PreLoad
(B) Load
(C) Preinit
(D) Init
Which is the first event of ASP.NET page, when user requests a webpage ?
(A) PreLoad
(B) Load
(C) Preinit
(D) Init

1.5 : If we want to add graphics using which of the following web control will you use ?
(A) Link Button
(B) AdRotator
(C) Grid View
(D) Layout

1.6 : Which of the following is the default authentication mode for IIS ?
(A) Kernel Mode
(B) Windows
(C) Basic Authentication
(D) None

1.7 : What is a web application running on multiple servers called ?
(B) Web Servers
(C) WebPage
(D) Web farm

1.8 : How to implement authentication via web.config ?
(A) Include the authentication element.
(B) Include the authorization element.
(C) Include the identity element.
(D) Include the deny element.

1.9 : What ASP.NET object encapsulates the state of the client and the browser ?
(A) Application Object
(B) Session Object
(C) Response Object
(D) Request Object

1.10 : By default, when you use Page Output Caching, at what location page is cached ?
(A) Only on web server
(B) Only on Client
(C) Web server, any proxy servers, and browser
(D) All of the above.

Q. 2 : Each statement below is either TRUE or FALSE. Choose the most appropriate one and ENTER in the "OMR" answer sheet attached to the question paper, following instructions therein.

2.1 A single .NET dll can contain unlimited classes.
2.2 SOAP uses HTTP as its only transport mechanism.
2.3 Multiple inheritance is different from multiple levels of inheritance.
2.4 Schemas consist of properties and methods.
2.5 XML technology is a hybrid of document processing and database processing.
2.6 Documents that have no DTD are by definition not-type-valid.
2.7 ADO.NET provides the ability to create and process in-memory databases called datasets.
2.8 There can be more than 1 machine.config file in a system.
2.9 Release builds are smaller and faster than debug builds.
2.10 As XML   is   not   case   sensitive,   so <Employee> and <employee> are same elements.

Q. 3 : Match words and phrases in column X with the closest related meaning/ word(s)/phrase(s) in column Y. Enter your selection in the “OMR” answer sheet attached to the question paper, following instructions therein.




Data access technology of .Net Framework




Operator "&&"


Managed Code


Root of the .NET type hierarchy








Code that targets the Common Language

Runtime is known as


name n = name();


To declare an object of class test syntax is


Logical Operator


Way to find if contents of two strings are



Control To Validate


To programmatically configure page output



Web Server


Property common in every validation control


test n = new test();


Processing model used in ASP.NET is






if (strcmp (s1, s2))









Q. 4 : Each statement below has a blank space to fit one of the word(s) or phrase(s) in the list below. Choose the most appropriate option, enter your choice in the "OMR" answer sheet supplied with the question paper, following instructions therein.














SQL Connection


SQL Client




Java Virtual Machine


Simple Object

Access Protocol




Object type





4.1  _________ is the DataType return in IsPostback property.
4.2  _________ is the default authentication mode for IIS.
4.3  _________ is the fully qualified name of the base class of all server controls.
4.4 In ASP.Net fragment caching refers to the caching of _________  user controls within a web form.
4.5 In classic ASP all Web site related information was stored in the metadata of _________ .
4.6 Use a  _________  object to connect to a Microsoft SQL Server Database.
4.7 C# does not allow  _________  inheritance.
4.8 CLR is the .NET equivalent of  _________ .
4.9 SOAP stands for _________ .
4.10 Boxing converts a value type on the stack to an  _________  on the heap.

(Answer any FOUR questions)

Q 5 .
 (a) List all the built in objects available in ASP.Net.
(b) Differentiate between a DataReader and a DataAdapter.
(c) Write a C# code to print prime numbers between 1-100.

Q. 6 : 
(a) Discuss ASP.NET page life cycle and their stages.
(b) Explain the Execution model of Common Language Runtime along with its advantages.
(c) Compare  and contrast   C#   and

Q. 7 : 
(a) Create an array and then loop through it using the for loop in
(b) Explain about cross-page posting in ASP.NET with an example.
(c) Differentiate between Custom Control and User Control in

Q. 8 : 
(a) What is a namespace ? Explain the use of any four namespaces.
(b) Explain the thread life cycle in C#.
(c) What is role of Global.asax file ? Name the methods that can be defined in Global.asax file.

Q. 9 : 

(a) Explain ADO.NET architecture.
(b) Differentiate between Dataset.Clone and Dataset.Copy.


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