
Monday 13 July 2020

Pointer and Array Relationship

Pointers and arrays have a special relationship in C Language.Name of an array is constant pointer which point first element of array and an array is represented by a variable that is associated with the address of its first storage location. A pointer is also the address of a storage location with a defined type, so name permits the use of the array [ ] index notation with both pointer variables and array variables. For example, the following two references in C language are equivalent in meaning:

Q = &a[0];                                                           trace(Q[2]);

Diagram shows a pointer to an array of five objects.

This difference is manifested in the D syntax if you attempt to assign pointers and scalar arrays. If x and y are pointer variables, the expression x = y is legal; it simply copies the pointer address in y to the storage location named by x. If x and y are scalar array variables, the expression x = y is not legal. Arrays may not be assigned as a whole in D. However, an array variable or symbol name can be used in any context where a pointer is permitted. If p is a pointer and a is an array, the statement p = a is permitted; this statement is equivalent to the statement p = &a[0].

Some of key point is given below to show relationship between array and pointer.

A special type of data type which hold address of a memory location
Pointer is also a special type of variable which hold a memory location.
Name of an array is constant pointer which holds address of first element of an array.
Pointer is a variable which hold a single location of memory.
Element of an array is access using index position
Data of a pointer is read by * operator
Array is an example of pointer
Pointer is a variable which can be used in much aspect like an array.
Physical address can be calculate
Address calculation is part of pointer. Which skip address position As its data type storage capacity?
Array always pass to a function by reference
Call by reference is achieved by pointer.

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