Monday, 30 April 2018
Array Input using function
A, B and C are three 3x3 matrices containing real elements. Write a ‘C’ function to input from user appropriate values into matrices A and B. Use suitable loops. Make use of pointers if necessary.
Solution :
Student Help
: 3x3 Array input using function
Program :
#define MAX 3
void input(int [][MAX]);
void print(int [][MAX]);
Wednesday, 25 April 2018
HTML Sample Paper
Internet & Web Design (HTML)
Note : each Question carry one marks of part and only
three question need to attempt in part two, each carry 10 marks . No negative
marks penalty for wrong answer.
Name : __________________ Time
: 45 Minute
Part 1
Multiple Choice
1. ………. Is Self-close tag .
A) strong B) pre C)img D) None
A) strong B) pre C)img D) None
2. Each property of HTML tag is separated by
A) Double quote B) Single quote C) / D)None
A) Double quote B) Single quote C) / D)None
3. Special character
code in HTML start with ….
A) & B)@ C)# D)None
A) & B)@ C)# D)None
4. tag doesn't
usually appear in your document. But identify the page's author, keywords used
for searching.
A) <head> B) <title> C) <meta> D)<script>
A) <head> B) <title> C) <meta> D)<script>
5. Which of the following is odd one for a form.
Thursday, 5 April 2018
Structure sorting,searching with array
Define a structure that describes a hotel. It should have members that include the name, address, grade, average room charge and number of rooms.
i) To print all hotels details of a given grade in order of charges.
ii) To print hotel details with room charges less than given values.
Write a function to perform the following tasks.
i) To print all hotels details of a given grade in order of charges.
ii) To print hotel details with room charges less than given values.
Solution :
Program : Structure sorting,searching with
for more program visit :
#define MAX 10
typedef struct ht
char name[30];
char address[40];
char grade;
int room;
int charge;
void input(hotel*,int);
void print(hotel *);
void printbyRate(hotel *,int,int);
void printByGrade(hotel *str,char,int s);
void main()
int i,opt,rate;
hotel rec[MAX];
char ch;
many record you want to insert>> ");