
Saturday 30 September 2017

C language Paper Solution

C Language Exam paper answer

1. Multiple Choice

1.1 :  A
1.2 : C
1.3 : A
1.4 : B
1.5 : B
1.6 : C
Explanation :  When x will be less than 5 then continue transfer control at top of the loop and increase variable value,check condition. As soon as x get greater than 5 then if return false and control transfer to else . Else has break and when break will execute loop will be stop forcefully.

1.7 : A

1.8 : D

Explanation :

1.9 : B

1.10 :  B

2. True/False

2.1 : T
2.2 : T
2.3 : F
2.4 : F
2.5 : F

Explanation :   When malloc is use to allocate dynamic space it allocate space in heap for data and also allocate space in stack for pointer to hold actual data address.

2.6  : F

2.7 : F

Explanation :
Here, char **apple is a pointer of pinter
          char *apple[]  1d character array pointer 

          char apple[][] 2d character array pointer 

2.8 : F
Explanation : Malloc always return void type pointer so explicit conversion is mandatory.

2.9 :  T

2.10 : T

3. Match the column :

3.1 : B

3.2:  E

3.3 : H

3.4 : A

3.5 : C

3.6 : K

3.7: D

3.8 : J

3.9 : F

3.10 : G

4 . Fill in the blank

4.1 : D
4.2 :
4.3 : J
4.4 : G
Explanation :

4.5 : B

4.6 : E

4.7 : L

4.8 : I

4.9 : A

4.10 : C

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