
Tuesday 6 December 2016

C Language Fundamental Assignment

C Language
Fundamental Assignment
Q1. Write a program to display the following pattern
                Name                    Your Name
                Subject                 Subject Name
                Course                  Course Name

Q2. Write a program to demonstrate to input integer,float and character input /output?

Q3. Write a program to input a character and check whether it vowel and consonant?

Q4. Write a program to validate age input with following rule.  should be in range of 20 to 40

  • Only number will be accept
  • Age range
Q5. Write a program to implement following conversion rule?

  • Fahrenheit to Celsius 
  • Small to capital Letter
  • Gram to kilogram
  • Second to minute hour                
Q6. Write a program to calculate tax amount on the basis of current tax rate?

Q7. Write a program to print square of a given number.

Q8. Write a program to accept the number in decimal format and covert to the octal and hexadecimal?

Q9. Input two numbers and compare if first number is greater than second then print sum otherwise modulus?

Q10. Write a program to read the value of x and y and implement following equation code in single line.

· (x+y)(x-y)

Q11. What do you understand by token?

Q12. What is identifier? Explain with example.

Q13. What is preprocessing directory?

Q14. Write a program to print following output on monitor?

\n\nGirfa\t\tStudent Help

Q15. Write a program to demonstrate to process octal and hexadecimal number?

Q16. Write a program to check whether a year is leap year or not?

Q17. What do you understand with prefix and postfix increment/decrement operator explain with example?

Q18. Write a program to input 5 subject marks and passing percentage. Print Pass or Fail message if your total calculated percentage is greater/Less than percentage provide by input.

Q19. Write a program to input DOB and current date n the form of mm/dd/yy and print current age?

Q20. Write a program to accept number only between 0 to 9 and print corresponding word to input number?

Q21. How can you print your name without using semi colon?

Q22. Write a program to demonstrate ternary operator?

Q23.  How is the use of fflush(stdin) explain with example?

Q 24. Write a program to show storage capacity of different data type available in C?

Q25. Write a program to print a character using its ASCII code?

Q 26. Find the salary of an employee on the basis of following criteria?
Basic Pay-5000

  • TA-10%
  • DA-34%
  • HRA-19.7%

TA, DA, HRA percentage is based on Basic Pay.

Q27. Write a program to calculate area of a circle?

Q28. Write a program to calculate area of a triangle?

Q29. What do you understand by warning message generated by C language compiler?

Q30. What do you understand by debugging?

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