
Friday 30 December 2016

CCC Fundamental and Word MCQ/True-False Solve

CCC MCQ Fundamental and word question answer

Fundamental and Word             
Time: 1HRS                                              M M: 50 MARK

Objective Question:

 1. sesitive device that convert printed material into its equivalent digital form
 ( C)a and b
(D)None of these

2.The basic architecture for digital computer was developed by
 (A)Bill Gates
 (B)Charles Babbage
( C)John Von Neumann
(D)Garden Moore

Wednesday 28 December 2016

UGC Net Computer Science Paper II Dec 12,Page 4 (Solve)

UGC Net Computer Science Paper II Dec 12,Page 4 (Solve)

31. Basis path testing falls under
(A) system testing
(B) white box testing
(C) black box testing
(D) unit testing
Answer : B
Explanation : The basis path testing is same, but it is based on a white box testing method, that defines test cases based on the flows or logical path that can be taken through the program. Basis path testing involves execution of all possible blocks in a program and achieves maximum path coverage with least number of test cases. It is a hybrid of branch testing and path testing methods.

The objective behind basis path testing is that it defines the number of independent paths, thus the number of test cases needed can be defined explicitly (maximizes the coverage of each test case).
     int a,b;

Basis Path Testing Diagram

Basis Path Testing

32. The User Work Area (UWA) is a set of Program variables declared in the host program to communicate the contents of individual records between
(A) DBMS & the Host record
(B) Host program and Host record
(C) Host program and DBMS
(D) Host program and Host language
Answer : C
Explanation :A set of program variables, declared in the host program, to communicate the contents of individual records between the DBMS and the host program.

For each record type in the database schema, a corresponding program variable with the same format should be declared in the host program.

Tuesday 27 December 2016

UGC Net Computer Science Paper II Dec 12,Page 3 (Solve)

GC Net Computer Science Paper II Dec 12

21. Which API is used to draw a circle ?
(A) Circle ( )
(B) Ellipse ( )
(C) Round Rect ( )
(D) Pie ( )
Answer B
Explanation : In mathematics, an ellipse is a curve in a plane surrounding two focal points such that the sum of the distances to the two focal points is constant for every point on the curve. As such, it is a generalization of a circle.
22. In DML, RECONNCT command
cannot be used with
(D) All of the above
Answer B
Explanation : The RECONNECT command can be used with both OPTIONAL and MANDATORY sets, but not with FIXED sets. The RECONNECT command moves a member record from one set instance to another set instance of the same set type. It cannot be used with FIXED sets because a member record cannot be moved from one set instance to another under the FIXED constraint.

Monday 26 December 2016

2-D Array Matrix Multiplication

2-D Array Matrix Multiplication Rule

  • Matrix a row must be same as Matrix B column
  • Each Cell of Matrix A multiply by each column of matrix B
2-D Array Matrix Multiplication Rule
Code : 

/*   #################################################
          Girfa : Student Help
          Multiplication of 2-d array
          for more program visit :

Sunday 25 December 2016

UGC Net Computer Science Paper 1 December 12 , Page 1-Solved

UGC Net Computer Science Paper 1 December 12 , Page 1-Solved
1. The English word ‘Communication’ is derived from the words
(A) Communis and Communicare
(B) Communist and Commune
(C) Communism and Communalism
(D) Communion and Common sense
Answer : A

2. Chinese Cultural Revolution leader Mao Zedong used a type of communication to
talk to the masses is known as
(A) Mass line communication
(B) Group communication
(C) Participatory communication
(D) Dialogue communication
Answer : A

Saturday 24 December 2016

UGC Net Computer Science Paper II Dec 12 Page 2 (Solved)

UGC Net Computer Science Paper II Dec 12 Page 2 (Solved)

UGC Net Computer Science Paper II Dec 12 Page 2 (Solved)

11. In compiler design ‘reducing the strength’ refers to
(A) reducing the range of values of input variables.
(B) code optimization using cheaper machine instructions.
(C) reducing efficiency of program.
(D) None of the above
Answer : B
Explanation :I

n compiler design , strength reduction is a compiler optimization where expensive operations are replaced with equivalent but less expensive operations. The classic example of strength reduction converts "strong" multiplications inside a loop into "weaker" additions – something that frequently occurs in array addressing.

Most of a program's execution time is typically spent in a small section of code (called a hot spot), and that code is often inside a loop that is executed over and over.

A compiler uses methods to identify loops and recognize the characteristics of register values within those loops.

12. In which addressing mode, the effective address of the operand is generated by adding a constant value to the contents of register ?
(A) Absolute
(B) Indirect
(C) Immediate
(D) Index
Answer : D

Tuesday 20 December 2016

Write a program to merge two array into a single array?

Q : Write a program to merge two array into a single array?

/*     #################################
           Girfa Student Help
           Merge two Array
           Programmber : Vishal
           For more program visit :
#define MAX 5
void main()
       int a1[MAX],a2[MAX],a3[MAX*2];
       int i,j;
       puts("First Array Input");

Monday 19 December 2016

Write a program to implement union and intersection?

Q.: Write a program to implement union and intersection?

/*   ##########################

     Girfa : Student Help
     For More Program Visit :
     Program to implement union and intersection
#define MAX 5
int check_avl(int [],int,int); /* Check a number exist in an array */
void print(int [],int); /* Print an arrar*/
void main()
     int ar1[MAX],ar2[MAX],uni[MAX*2],ins[MAX];
     int uni_index,int_index,flag=0,i,j;
     printf("\nFirst Array Input\n");
          printf("Enter %d Position number>> ",i+1);
     printf("\nSecond Array Input\n");
          printf("Enter %d Position number>> ",i+1);

Sunday 18 December 2016

UGC Net Computer Science Paper-1 Page 1

1. The English word ‘Communication’ is derived from the words
(A) Communis and Communicare
(B) Communist and Commune
(C) Communism and Communalism
(D) Communion and Common sense

Saturday 17 December 2016

Core Java Data – Type MCQ

1. What is the range of data type short in Java?
a) -128 to 127
b) -32768 to 32767
c) -2147483648 to 2147483647
d) None of the mentioned

2. An expression involving int, byte with literal numbers then resulting expression will be to which of these?
a) int
b) long
c) byte
d) float

3. Which of the following are legal lines of Java code?
1. int w = (int)888.8;
2. byte x = (byte)1L;
3. long y = (byte)12;
4. byte z = (byte)123L;
a) 1 and 2
b) 2 and 3
c) 3 and 4

Friday 16 December 2016

UGC Net Computer Science Paper II Dec 12 Page 1 (Solved)

UGC Net Computer Science Paper II Dec 12

1. Consider the circuit shown below. In a certain steady state, Y is at logical ‘l’.What are possible values of A, B, C ?
(A) A = 0, B = 0, C = 1
(B) A = 0, B = C = 1
(C) A = 1, B = C = 0
(D) A = B = 1, C = 1
Flip-flop UGC Net Computer Science Paper II Dec 12

Answer A
Explanation : Nand gate behave opposite of and gate so if any 0 in input then result will be 1. So output Y will be 1 if A = 0, B = 0, C = 1

Wednesday 14 December 2016

Prepare Statement Select Mysqli

<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=iso-8859-1" />
<title>Girfa : My SQLi Tutorial</title>


Write a program to copy a file into another file.

Q. Write a program to copy a file into another file?

/*   ###########################
     Girfa : Student Help
     for more program visit :
     copy a file content to another file
void main()
     FILE *sfile,*dfile;
     char ch;
     int flag=1;
     sfile=fopen("source.txt","r"); /* Source file */

Write a program to find the power of number using function.

Q. Write a program to find the power of number using function.

/*   ###########################
     Girfa : Student Help
     for more program visit :
     Power of a number using function
int power(int,int);
void main()
     int n,p;
     printf("Enter number>> ");
     printf("Enter Power>> ");
     printf("\n\nPower of %d by %d is %d",n,p,power(n,p));


Tuesday 13 December 2016

Write a program to calculate number of vowels (a, e, i, o, u) separately in the entered string.

/*   ###########################
     Girfa : Student Help
     for more program visit :
     Count no. of vowel seprately
void main()
     char ch[200];
     int a,e,i,o,u,index;
     printf("Enter your string>> ");
                case 'a' :
                case 'A' :


January, 2016

(Answer all the questions)

1. Each question below gives a multiple choice of answers. Choose the most appropriate one and enter in the “OMR” answer sheet supplied with the question paper, following instructions therein. (1x10)
1.1 Function of a compiler is to
A) put together the file and functions that are required by the program
B) translate the instructions into a form suitable for execution by the program
C) load the executable code into the memory and execute them
D) allow the user to type the program
1.2 The preprocessor directives start with
A) //
B) /
C) #
D) /*

Monday 12 December 2016

Placing X buuton on top right corner on an image

Placing X buuton on top right corner on an image

<html >
<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=iso-8859-1" />
<title>Girfa : Student Help</title>
<style type="text/css">
  padding:60px 0;
  margin-left:-320px; /* width/2 + padding-left */
  margin-top:-150px; /* height/2 + padding-top */
  box-shadow:0 0 10px 0 #000;

Thursday 8 December 2016

Microsoft Access Database Tutorial

Microsoft Access Database Tutorial

Microsoft Access is database package which is suitable for small scale project for single PC Application. Most Fundamental of any project which you should learn before start your project is database operation (insert ,update,Delete and show). This tutorial help you to learn database operation with full source code . So enjoy programming with Access.

Microsoft Access Database Insert Update Delete

Private Sub Form1_Load(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles MyBase.Load

Tuesday 6 December 2016

C Language Fundamental Assignment

C Language
Fundamental Assignment
Q1. Write a program to display the following pattern
                Name                    Your Name
                Subject                 Subject Name
                Course                  Course Name

Thursday 1 December 2016

C Language practice Question

C language (Set1)


TOTAL TIME: 1 HOURS                                                                                                  TOTAL MARKS: 50

1. Which of the following is not a valid variable name declaration?
a) int __a3;
b) int __3a;
c) int __A3;
d) None of the mentioned
2. The format identifier ‘%i’ is also used for _____ data type?
a) char
b) int
c) float
d) double