
Sunday 30 October 2016


July, 2013

(Answer all the questions)

1. Each question below gives a multiple choice of answers. Choose the most appropriate one and enter in the “OMR” answer sheet supplied with the question paper, following instructions therein. (1x10)
1.1 Which Linux command is used to assign privileges over a particular file to a designated user?
A) chroot
B) chown
C) assign
D) chgrp
1.2 According to the Linux filesystem hierarchy standard, which of the following directories would be
an appropriate location for a user to install a shared application to?
A) /sbin
B) /dev/user/bin
C) /usr/local/bin
D) /etc/bin

1.3 Which command line can be used to restart a running Linux system immediately?
A) restart --delay=0
B) reboot –w
C) halt –p
D) shutdown -r now
1.4 Which Linux command can be used to create a new user account?
A) newuser
B) useradd
C) mkuser
D) usercfg
1.5 Which of the following Linux commands can be used to create backups of filesystems and
A) backup
B) gzip
C) tar
D) archive

1.6 Which Linux command can be used to determine the available space on local hard-disk
A) free
B) df
C) du
D) fdisk
1.7 Which Linux command can be used to repair improperly shutdown, or otherwise potentially
corrupt partitions?
A) chkdsk
B) scandisk
C) fsck
D) fdisk
1.8 Which of the following Linux utilities does NOT include the capability to list the process IDs of
running applications?
A) jobs
B) ps
C) nice
D) top
1.9 Which of the following commands can be used to assure that a file 'mfile' exists?
A) cp mfile /dev/null
B) touch mfile
C) create mfile
D) mkfile mfile
1.10 Which of the following command can you execute to count the number of lines in a file?
A) lc
B) wc –l
C) cl
D) count

2. Each statement below is either TRUE or FALSE. Choose the most appropriate one and ENTER in the “OMR” answer sheet supplied with the question paper, following instructions therein. (1x10)
2.1 Every user can access his / her own terminal as /dev/tty.
2.2 The shell is a process that runs when a user logs out.
2.3 Pipes connect the standard input of first command with standard output of second command.
2.4 A wild card that is escaped with a \ to be treated literally.
2.5 The pr command formats input to print headings and page numbers.
2.6 tr translates characters using two expressions and accepts both standard and file inputs.
2.7 In X Windows xhosts controls access to the server.
2.8 telnet is used to run commands on a remote machine.
2.9 A file can have a single link in Linux.
2.10 chown command is used to transfer ownership of a file.

3. Match words and phrases in column X with the closest related meaning/word(s)/phrase(s) in column Y. Enter your selection in the “OMR” answer sheet supplied with the question paper, following instructions therein. (1x10)
                            X                                        Y
3.1 cat                                         A. Create a compressed archive from directory structure
3.2 cmp                                      B. Creates a process
3.3 zip –r                                   C. Case insensitive searching for a pattern in a file
3.4 lp –n                                     D. Used for substitution
3.5 fork                                      E. Displays one or more files and also creates a file
3.6 at                                          F. Basic integer computing
3.7 grep –i                                 G. Schedules a job for one time execution
3.8 expr                                     H. Displays where the first difference between two files is
3.9 wall                                     I. Alters file permission
3.10 chmod                               J. Prints multiple copies of a file
                                                  K. Link n files
                                                  L. Sends message to all users
                                                  M. Alters file ownership

4. Each statement below has a blank space to fit one of the word(s) or phrase(s) in the list below. Enter your choice in the “OMR” answer sheet supplied with the question paper, following instructions therein. (1x10)
A. -install                                    B. sort                                   C. sort -n
D. Encrypted                               E. logs                                   F. zombie
G. -i                                             H. output                               I. -9
J. display                                      K. blocked                            L. /etc/passwd
M. grep

4.1 The file /etc/passwd stores user password in ________ form.
4.2 The ‘var’ directory in Linux file system is used to store ________.
4.3 The option used to install a given RPM file is ________.
4.4 In a Linux system, if the process has been terminated but, for some reason, still must have its
task structure in the process table is in the ________ state.
4.5 A process that cannot execute until some event occurs is said to be in the ________ state.
4.6 The pattern matching editor is called ________.
4.7 The command kill ________ kills the process instantly without any chance.
4.8 The command used to sort in numeric order is ________.
4.9 In X Windows your computer terminal is called a ________ server and applications are called
4.10 When a user changes its password then the change affects the file ________.

(Answer any FOUR questions)
a) Explain the difference between Open Source and Free Software. Is Linux an open source
operating system, explain.
b) What is the purpose of a shell? What are different types of shells?
c) Differentiate between hard link and soft link. Can they be used to link files and directories both?
a) What is an inode? Explain different fields in an inode.
b) What is a socket? How socket binds with each other?
c) Explain five operations that we can use with files.
a) Can we use symbolic codes to totally reset the permission for user, group and other? Elaborate
your answer.
b) What is piping? How piping operator works? Explain with example.
c) How I/O and error redirection can be done in Linux? Explain.
a) Write a shell script to generate Fibonacci series upto ten numbers. [Note: Fibonacci
series: 0, 1, 1, 2, 3, 5, …]
b) Identify and explain six different states of a job.
c) What are the startup and shutdown files for each shell?
a) When do we use each of the following utilities, explain with example.
i) mail
ii) write
iii) talk
iv) telnet
v) ftp
b) What are filters? Explain any five filter utilities.

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