
Tuesday 20 September 2016

Template Class In C++

A class or function which can operate any type of with single bunch of code (Run time data type initialization)

Template is one of the features added to C++ recently. It is a new concept which enable programmer to make generic class which can operate any data type. A Template class takes data type as an argument which run time set data type of calling object so there is no need to make different version of class and function different types of data type.
                Template <Class name Ob_Name>
                Class Class_name
A template can be considered as a kind of macros. When an object of a specific type is defined for actual use. The template definition for that class is substituted with the required data type. since a template is defined with a parameter that would be replaced by a specific data type at the time of actual use of the class or  function. The template is sometimes called parameterized or function. 

/* ##############################
      Girfa Student Help
      Template Class
      Date : 21-Sep-2016
      for more example visit:
const int size=3;
template <class t>
class vector
      t *v;
            v=new t[size];
            for(int i=0;i<size;i++)
      vector(t *a)
            for(int i=0;i<size;i++)

      t operator +(vector &y)
            t sum=0;
            for(int i=0;i<size;i++)
            return sum;
void main()
      int x[3]={1,2,3};
      int y[]={4,5,6};
      vector <int> v1;
      vector <int> v2;
      int r=v1+v2;
      cout<<"\n\tSum of int\t="<<r;
      float x1[3]={1.1,2.2,3.3};
      float y1[]={4.1,5.5,6.6};
      vector <float> v3;
      vector <float> v4;
      cout<<"\n\tSum of float\t="<<r;

Template Function

" A Template function is a method that can handle any data type ." 

Template function reduce coding so there is no need to make specific version to specific  data type . One function can hadnle any data type including user defined data class and structure etc.

/* #################################
      Girfa : Student Help
      Template Function
      for more C++ Program Visit :
template <class G>
void printallformat(G s)
    cout <<endl<<s;

int main()
    printallformat(1); // Printing Integer
    printallformat('a'); //Printing character
    printallformat(7.5); // Printing float
    printallformat("Girfa:Student Help"); // Printing String

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