
Thursday 1 September 2016

Syllabus Structured System Analysis and Design

Structured System Analysis and Design
Objective of the Course

The Objective of the course is to provide the necessary skills, learning and exposure in developing an information system. The student should be able to develop an understanding of the general principles and purpose of systems analysis and design; apply key techniques from a standard methodology. He should have knowledge of information systems and be able to prepare the physical design of an information system

The course focuses on the following aspects of Information System Development: 
  •  Study, Analysis and Design of a System 
  •  Documenting and evaluating the system
  •  Data Modeling
  • Developing Information Management System for an Organization
  •  Implementing, Testing and Security Aspects  
Outline of Course
         Topic                                                Minimum number of hours   
1. Introduction                                                             03

2. System Development Cycle                                    03
3. System Planning                                                      06
4. Modular and Structured Design                              02
5. System Design and Modeling                                 14
6. Input/Output and Interface Design                          07
7. System Implementation and Maintenance              03
8. Computer System Security                                     02
9. OO Analysis/Design                                               12
10. Introduction to Management Information            08
                                                                 Lectures = 60
                                                  Practical/tutorials = 60
                                                                    Total = 120

Detailed Syllabus

1. Introduction (03 Hrs.)
System Definition and concepts: General Theory systems, Manual and automated systems, Real-life Business Sub-Systems. System Environments and Boundaries, Real-time and distributed systems, Basic principles of successful systems, Approach to system development: Structured System Analysis and Design, Prototype, Joint Application Development, Role and Need of Systems Analyst. Qualifications and responsibilities, System Analysis as a Profession. 

2. System Development Cycle( 03 Hrs.)
Introduction to Systems, Development Life Cycle (SDLC). Various phases of SDLC: Study Analysis, Design, Development, Implementation, Maintenance; Documentation: Principles of Systems Documentation, Types of documentation and their importance, Enforcing documentation discipline in an organization

3. System Planning 06 Hrs.
Data and fact gathering techniques: Interviews, Group Communication -Questionnaires; Assessing Project Feasibility: Technical, Operational, Economic, Cost Benefits Analysis,Schedule, Legal and contractual, Political. Modern Methods for determining system requirements: Joint Application, Development Program, Prototyping, Business Process Re-engineering. System Selection Plan and Proposal

4. Modular and Structured Design (02 Hrs.)
Module specifications, Top-down and bottom-up design. Module coupling and cohesion.Structure Charts.

5. System Design and Modeling (14 Hrs.)
Process Modeling, Logical and physical design, Conceptual Data Modeling: Entity /Relationship Analysis, Entity-Relationship Modeling, ERDs and DFDs, Concepts of Normalization. Process Description: Structured English, Decision Tree, Table; Documentation: Data Dictionary, Recording Data Descriptions.

6. Input/Output and Interface Design (07 Hrs.)
Classification of forms, Input/output forms design. User-interface design, Graphical interfaces. Standards and guidelines for GUI design, Designing Physical Files and Databases: Designing Fields, Designing Physical Records, Designing Physical Files,Designing Databases, Introduction to CASE Tools; Features, Advantages and Limitations of CASE Tools, Awareness about some commercial CASE Tools.

7. System Implementation and Maintenance (03 Hrs.)
Planning considerations, Conversion methods, procedures and controls, System acceptance criteria, System Evaluation and Performance, Testing and Validation. Preparing, User Manual, Maintenance Activities and Issues.

8. Computer System Security (02 Hrs.)
Security aspects of a Computer System; Control Measures; Disaster Recovery and Contingency Planning, Prevention of Computer Virus & Malicious Applications.9. OO Analysis / Design 12 Hrs.
OO Development Life Cycle and Modeling. Static and dynamic modeling. Comparison of OO and Module-oriented Approach. Modeling using UML ; The UML diagrams; the process of Object modeling

10. Introduction to Management Information System (MIS) (08 Hrs.)
Meaning and role of MIS, Systems approach to MIS. Types of information systems : Transaction Processing System, Management Information System, Decision Support System,Expert System Case Studies (Illustrative) : MIS for Accounting and Finance Function,MIS for Marketing System. 

1. Hoffer J. A, George J.F, Valacich J.S, and Panigrahi P.K “Modern Systems Analysis
and Design”, Pearson Education, 2007.
2. A. Dennis and B. H. Wixom, “Systems Analysis and Design”, John Wiley & Sons, Inc.


1. Whitten J. L, Bentley L. D, “Systems Analysis and Design Methods”, Tata McGrawHill,
2. Kendall & Kendall, “Systems Analysis and Design”, Seventh Edition, Pearson

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