
Wednesday 14 September 2016


NIELIT A Level July, 2011

(Answer all the questions)

1. Each question below gives a multiple choice of answers. Choose the most appropriate one and enter in the “tear-off” answer sheet attached to the question paper, following instructions therein. (1x10)

1.1 Identify the incorrect statement.
A) The resources most relevant in relation to efficiency are CPU time and internal memory.
B) An algorithm cannot have same Big-O measure for the worst case and the best case.
C) Worst case complexity of an algorithm can be determined by choosing a set of input conditions
that force the algorithm to make the least possible progress towards its final goal at each step.
D) Algorithms having exponential complexity can be practically solved only for very small values
of n.
1.2 The correct ADT of pop operation of a stack is
A) Function: Adds newItem to the top of stack
Precondition: Stack has been initialized
Postcondition: If (stack is full), exception fullStack is thrown,
else newItem is at the top of the stack
B) Function: Adds newItem to the top of stack
Precondition: Stack has been initialized
Postcondition: If (stack is empty), exception emptyStack is thrown,
else top element is removed from the stack
C) Function: Removes top element from the stack
Precondition: Stack has been initialized
Postcondition: If (stack is empty), exception emptyStack is thrown,
else top element is removed from the stack
D) Function: Removes top element from the stack
Precondition: Stack has been initialized
Postcondition: If (stack is full), exception FullStack is thrown,
else newItem is at the top of the stack

1.3 The result of 4 5 * 6 1 2 + / - is
A) 18
B) -18
C) 17
D) -17
A6-R4 Page 2 of 6 July, 2011
1.4 Which of the following statement is valid to define a dynamic array of 10 elements?
A) int *p = new int[10];
B) int p = new int[10];
C) int a[10];
D) int a[] = new int[10];
1.5 Identify the correct statement from the following:
A) O(n3) < O(n2 log2 n)
B) O(2n) < O(n2)
C) O(n) > O(log2 n)
D) O(n2) > O(n3)
1.6 Consider the following matrix

41 42 43 44
31 32 33
21 22
0 0
0 0 0
a a a a
a a a
a a
If array A is stored in row major order (without storing 0’s), then element aij will be stored at
location with the index (the starting value of the index is 1)
A) i
j j
( 1)
B) i
j j

( 1)
C) j
i i
( 1)
D) j
i i

( 1)
1.7 When the data is already sorted, then ________ has O(n) complexity.
A) mergesort
B) quicksort
C) insertion sort
D) none of the sorting algorithms have O(n) complexity for any case
1.8 Minimal spanning tree may be a forest at intermediate stages in ________ algorithm.
A) Prim’s
B) Kruskal’s
C) Both Prim’s and Kruskal’s
D) Neither Prim’s nor Kruskal’s
1.9 If linear search is unsuccessful then the number of comparisons done is
A) n / 2
B) n
C) n + 1
D) n – 1
1.10 The maximum number of nodes possible at nth level of a binary tree is ________ (assuming root
to be at level 0).
A) 2n
B) 2n+1
C) 2n-1
D) n2

2. Each statement below is either TRUE or FALSE. Choose the most appropriate one and ENTER in the “tear-off” sheet attached to the question paper, following instructions therein. (1x10)

2.1 Binary search is not feasible if data is stored in a linked list.
2.2 A tree with n nodes has n + 1 edges.
2.3 Data can be removed from either sides of a D-queue.
2.4 Inorder traversal of any binary tree results in ordered data.
2.5 The time complexity of some algorithms can be decreased if more space is used.
2.6 If the data is sorted then even without linearly searching the entire list it can be inferred that the
target being searched is not found.
2.7 Graphs are special types of trees.
2.8 Array elements are stored contiguously in memory.
2.9 The prefix and postfix expressions are mirror images of each other.
2.10 Trees are non-linear data structures.

3. Match words and phrases in column X with the closest related meaning/word(s)/phrase(s) in column Y. Enter your selection in the “tear-off” answer sheet attached to the question paper, following instructions therein. (1x10)
                             X                                                                       Y
3.1 Binary search trees                                                      A. Breadth first search
3.2 Expressions without brackets                                     B. Rear
3.3 Bubble sort                                                                 C. Root
3.4 Classes                                                                       D. goto-less programming
3.5 Special node                                                              E. Programming with structures
3.6 Complexity measure                                                   F. Big-O
3.7 Binary Search                                                            G. Postfix
3.8 Queue                                                                        H. Divide and conquer strategy
3.9 Structured Programming                                           I. Infix
3.10 Graphs                                                                     J. Consecutive elements comparison
                                                                                      K. Right subtree data greater than or equal to                                                                                                  the  one in the node
                                                                                        L. Polymorphism
                                                                                       M. Encapsulation

4. Each statement below has a blank space to fit one of the word(s) or phrase(s) in the list below. Enter your choice in the “tear-off” answer sheet attached to the question paper,following instructions therein. (1x10)

A. Operand stack                              B. Top-down design                      C. Radix
D. Operator stack                              E. FIFO                                         F. LIFO
G. Sparse                                           H. O(1)                                          I. Linked Lists
J. Main memory                                K. Trees                                          L. Threaded binary
M. Complete binary

4.1 A matrix having zero elements except the diagonal elements is known as a ________ matrix.
4.2 In ________ sort algorithm, the elements of the list are not compared with each other.
4.3 ________ trees have some nodes pointing to the ancestors in the tree.
4.4 Complexity of inserting an element in a queue, currently having n elements is ________.
4.5 Circular queues may be implemented using ________ also.
4.6 ________ is used to convert an infix expression to its corresponding postfix form.
4.7 Queues follow ________ policy.
4.8 In a ________ tree, a node if it has right child will have the left child also.
4.9 The logical or mathematical model of organization of data in the ________ is called a data
4.10 The process of repeatedly breaking a problem into subproblems till they can be solved is

(Answer any FOUR questions)
a) Create a class Matrix having the following:
Data members
row, column and an array to store the elements of the matrix
Function members
* A function to multiply two matrices
* A function to display the contents of the matrix in rectangular form
Assume appropriate methods exist in the class to read the contents of the matrices.
b) Show that the function L(n) defined by

> +

0 0
1 1
( ) 2
if n
if n
L n
has the complexity O(log2n).
a) Convert the following infix expression to postfix form using stack: (Describe the stack at every
(A + B * C) / (D – E) + F
b) What is polymorphism? Briefly explain the different types of polymorphism supported in C++.
c) Write a C++ function to reverse a singly linked list by traversing it only once.
a) An AVL tree is implemented such that every node has a pointer to its parent. Design a
procedure to insert and another to delete a node from the AVL tree. You must take care of the
height balance and empty tree.
b) Construct the binary tree for the following sequence of traversals of nodes:
Inorder: E A C K F H D B G
Preorder: F A E K C D H G B
c) What is the difference between a binary tree and a binary search tree? Give an example of tree
that is binary tree but not a binary search tree.
a) The following keys are to be inserted in the order into a heap: 25, 57, 48, 37, 9, 97, 86, 33.
Show how the tree appears after each insertion.
b) Write a procedure to traverse a Binary search tree in such a manner that the values at nodes
are printed in reverse (descending order of value).
A6-R4 Page 6 of 6 July, 2011
a) Differentiate between a stack and a queue. Define the class Queue to implement a circular
queue using arrays.
b) Write the adjacency matrix of the following graph:
c) Using Kruskal’s algorithm, find the minimal spanning tree of the graph given in Q9 b). Show the
intermediate steps also.
10 75
40 35
4 6

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