
Wednesday 7 September 2016


NIELIT A Level July, 2010

(Answer all the questions)

1. Each question below gives a multiple choice of answers. Choose the most appropriate one and enter in the “tear-off” answer sheet attached to the question paper, following instructions therein. (1x10)

1.1 Which step of SDLC performs cost-benefit analysis?
A) Feasibility Study
B) Analysis
C) Design
D) None of the above
1.2 The relationships among elements within a module is called
A) Modular Coupling
B) Modularization
C) Modular Cohesion
D) None of the above

1.3 Project planning is done by
B) State visits
C) Spiral Model
1.4 The term used to refer to the checking of outputs of a computer with the corresponding
documents is called
A) Beta Test
B) Auditing through the computer
C) Auditing around the computer
D) Alpha Test
1.5 Tools used during system analysis include
A) Grid charts
B) Data Flow Diagrams
C) Decision Trees
D) All of the above

1.6 While designing output report, it is important to keep the following in mind
i) Volume of Output
ii) Potential Users
iii) Current Users
iv) Periodicity of Output
A) i), ii), iii)
B) ii), iii), iv)
C) i), ii), iv)
D) i), ii), iii), iv)
1.7 Which of the following is not a tool for data collection?
A) On-site observations
B) Program flowcharts
C) Interviews
D) Questionnaires
1.8 By security of an information system we mean protecting
i) data from accidental or intentional damage or loss
ii) Programs from accidental or intentional corruption or loss
iii) Programs and data from unauthorized disclosure
iv) Individual private data from disclosure
A) i) and ii)
B) i) and iii)
C) i), ii), iii)
D) i), ii), iii), iv)
1.9 In UML diagram of class
A) State of object cannot be represented
B) State is irrelevant
C) State is represented as an attribute
D) State is represented as a result of an operation
1.10 An ER diagram depicts
A) Entities
B) Keys
C) Relationship
D) All of the above

2. Each statement below is either TRUE or FALSE. Choose the most appropriate one and ENTER in the “tear-off” sheet attached to the question paper, following instructions therein. (1x10)

2.1 A decision table is a pictorial representation of data flow.
2.2 A decision support system need not necessarily use computer graphics.
2.3 A data dictionary is used for spelling checks in Word Processor.
2.4 System in-effectiveness can result due to reasons other than program bugs.
2.5 A well designed and tested system does not, typically, require Maintenance.
2.6 Alpha Testing is the verification process a System goes through for the first time.
2.7 Critical Success Factors are required to design an MIS.
2.8 The computer’s ability to perform complex tasks under adverse conditions is known as
2.9 Physical design must precede the logical design of the System.
2.10 An instance of an object is created by a update operation
3. Match words and phrases in column X with the closest related meaning/word(s)/phrase(s) in column Y. Enter your selection in the “tear-off” answer sheet attached to the question paper, following instructions therein. (1x10)
                                           X                                                      Y
3.1 Aggregation                                                                A. Is a relation
3.2 Composition                                                               B. A set of objects
3.3 Inheritance                                                                 C. Part of relation
3.4 Entity-relationship diagram                                       D. Entity having multiple forms
3.5 Gantt chart                                                                 E. System development Model
3.6 System                                                                        F. A horizontal bar chart
3.7 Spiral model                                                              G. A data modeling technique
3.8 Object-oriented analysis                                            H. Use cases
and design
3.9 UML Class diagrams                                                I. Technical systems options are produced
3.10 Logical System                                                        J. A software engineering approach that                                                                                                         models a system as a group of interacting                                                                                               objects
                                                                                       K. A group of interdependent items that                                                                                                         interact regularly to perform a task
                                                                                       L. A coding error in a computer program.
                                                                                      M. The set of processes and programming tools                                                                                              used to create the program or software                                                                                                       product
                                                                                        N. A methodology used to develop and refine                                                                                                an  organization's software development                                                                                                     process

4. Each statement below has a blank space to fit one of the word(s) or phrase(s) in the list below. Enter your choice in the “tear-off” answer sheet attached to the question paper, following instructions therein. (1x10)
A. Isolation                                     B. Delphi                                   C. Benchmarking
D. Module                                       E. Planning                                F. Data consistency checks
G. Numeric                                     H. 2nd Form                               I. Implementation
J. Maintenance                                K. Throughput                           L. Coding
M. Black Box                                 N. A graphical                             O. Planning
P. System Software                          Q. 3rd Form

4.1 The total amount of processing that computer can complete over a fixed period of time is
called ________.
4.2 ________is a part of the SDLC.
4.3 The type of code which involves the assignment of a consecutive and unique number to
each item is the ________ code.
4.4 ‘Removal of functional dependency from a relation’ falls under the category of ________ of
4.5 ________ testing must precede Unit testing and System testing.
4.6 Questionnaire and ________ methods are used to capture the data for analysis of an
Organisation’s functioning.
4.7 A flow chart is ________ representation of the processing logic.
4.8 User training is implicit in the ________ stage of SDLC.
4.9 Changes made periodically, to a system after its implementation, is called System
4.10 If a Data Dictionary is not included in the System Analysis and Design of a software project,
then ________ cannot be carried out well.

(Answer any FOUR questions)
a) What special skills should a system analyst possess? Why is it important for system analyst
to communicate effectively?
b) What is the main difference between business data processing systems and MIS?
c) What do you understand by archival of data? How is archival of data used?
d) Elaborate on special care that has to be taken for disaster recovery of data while designing
an ERP solution.
a) Describe the different phases of System Development Life Cycle.
b) What is the main difference between a flow chart and DFD? What is context diagram? What
is the difference between a physical DFD and a logical DFD?
a) What are the objectives of system tests?
b) What is the difference between a pilot test and a parallel test?
c) What is an audit trail? What is the difference between controls and audit?
a) Define an object. Why is object-oriented modeling used in practice?
b) What do you understand by the term data independence? How is data dependence of
application programs ensured in a DBMS?
c) Distinguish between issues of privacy and security in a database.
a) New Financial Company uses the following billing procedure for the output selection logic. If
a customer’s balance is less than or equal to zero, no additional conditions have to be
checked. A statement is not to be printed to the customer. If a customer’s balance is greater
than zero, but less than his or her credit limit, no additional conditions have to be created. A
statement is to be printed for the customer. If the customer’s balance exceeds his or her
credit limit, then the credit rating is checked. If the crediting is not sufficient, a statement is to
be printed and a credit warning message is to be added to it.
Construct a decision tree and decision table to illustrate the above logic.
b) A list of employees with their basic pay is forwarded to an accounts assistant. He calculates
the gross pay using standard allowances which are known for each pay slab. Deduction
statements such as loan, advances taken etc. are also sent to another accounts assistant
who matches these slips with the slips of gross pay and calculates net pay. Finally, the slip
is used by a third accounts assistant whose job is to write out pay cheques for each
employee and sent to respective employees. The total pay bills paid are also computed.
Draw a logical DFD for the above system.


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