
Monday 12 September 2016


NIELIT A Level January, 2016

(Answer all the questions)
1. Each question below gives a multiple choice of answers. Choose the most appropriate one and enter in the “OMR” answer sheet supplied with the question paper, following instructions therein. (1x10)

1.1 A graph has M vertices and N edges. How many edges does a Minimum Spanning Tree
A) (N + M) – 1
B) N – 1
C) M – 1
D) N × M
1.2 A sequence of operations performed on the stack of the size 4 is as follows:
push(5), push(3), pop, push(4), push(6), push(7), pop, push(8), pop, push(1)
What is the condition of the stack after all these operations?
A) Stack overflow message is displayed.
B) Stack finally contains: 5, 3, 4, 6, 7, 8, 1
C) Stack finally contains: 5, 4, 6, 1
D) Stack finally contains: 5, 4, 8, 1

1.3 Which is a linear data structure?
A) Binary search tree
B) Heap tree
C) Directed graph
D) None of the above
1.4 Creation of BST using sequence: 15, 19, 25, 32, 37, 45, 66, 89, 90, 98 results in
A) Tree with root 15 and all other nodes in right subtree of it.
B) Tree with root 15 and all other nodes in left subtree of it.
C) Tree with root 15 and complete binary tree.
D) Tree with root 15 and height balanced tree.
1.5 In C++, cin and cout are
A) Actually pre-defined functions of iostream header file
B) The objects or iostream class
C) The example of polymorphism in iostream
D) The member functions of iostream class
1.6 Which method of hashing guarantees no collision in any case?
A) Folding method
B) Midsquare method
C) Digit Analysis method
D) None of the above
1.7 Which one is false for C++ language?
A) A variable can be declared anywhere in the program before its use.
B) A class contains both data as well as functions.
C) Memory can’t be allocated to an object at run time.
D) Address of an object can’t be stored in a pointer.
1.8 A set of disjoint tress is known as
A) Height Balanced
B) Null graph
C) Minimum Spanning Tree
D) Forest
1.9 What is the final answer after evaluation of the following postfix expression
2 3 + 4 * 5 3 2 4 * + / + 5 +
A) 25
B) 35
C) 100
D) Invalid postfix expression
1.10 In a linked list, each node contains two fields. One is data and another is next node’s
location. Which pointer represents next node’s location?
A) Pointer to character
B) Pointer to node
C) Pointer to class
D) Pointer to head

2. Each statement below is either TRUE or FALSE. Choose the most appropriate one and ENTER in the “OMR” answer sheet supplied with the question paper, following instructions therein. (1x10)

2.1 Sparse array has high-density of non-zero elements.
2.2 Deque is a general representation of both stack and queue.
2.3 Replacing null pointer in the last node of a list with the address of its first node creates
doubly linked list.
2.4 Evaluation of postfix expression is faster than evaluation of same infix expression.
2.5 A single leaf is also a null graph.
2.6 In C++, run time memory is allocated by new operator.
2.7 A collision occurs when two same data have the distinct hash value.
2.8 For any algorithm, if time complexity increases space complexity decreases.
2.9 The time complexity of binary search is (nlog n) in worst case.
2.10 Stack works in First in last out and Queue works in Last in First out.

3. Match words and phrases in column X with the closest related meaning/word(s)/phrase(s) in column Y. Enter your selection in the “OMR” answer sheet supplied with the question paper, following instructions therein. (1x10)
                                X                                                           Y
3.1 An operator in C++ for new line                               A. stack
3.2 Data structure used in recursion                                B. F=0
3.3 No of comparison in selection sort for n items         C. zero
3.4 In a binary tree, maximum in-degree of any             D. n×(n-1)/2
 leaf node
3.5 This searching technique needs data in                    E. queue
sorted order
3.6 The value of TOP of stack with n size when a         F. eight
 stack is underflow      
3.7 No of leaf nodes in a complete binary tree with       G. Deque
 15 nodes
3.8 Breadth first search uses data structure                    H. one
3.9 Maximum difference between height of                   I. endl
sub-trees in AVL tree
3.10 A condition for underflow of a                              J. binary
circular queue i
                                                                                        K. two
                                                                                         L. four
                                                                                       M. F=R

4. Each statement below has a blank space to fit one of the word(s) or phrase(s) in the list below. Enter your choice in the “OMR” answer sheet supplied with the question paper, following instructions therein. (1x10)

4.1 ________ traversal of a binary search tree visits nodes of a tree in ascending order.
4.2 Quick sort in worst case complexity ________.
4.3 Number of pointers required in a node of doubly linked list ________.
4.4 The condition to make the simple queue overflow with size n is ________.
4.5 ________ is one of the collision resolution techniques of hashing.
4.6 ________ sort exchanges values whenever pairs of adjacent values are out of order.
4.7 ________ is used to declared secure data members in a class in C++.
4.8 An isolated node in a graph has out-degree ________.
4.9 In adjacency matrix, all the elements of main diagonal contains zero, then that graph does
not contain any ________.
4.10 Average case time complexity of Two-way merge sort is ________.
A. inorder B. O(n log2n) C. O(n2)
D. One E. Three F. bubble
G. linear probing H. Two I. zero
J. R ≥ N K. private L. loop
M. division

(Answer ANY FOUR questions)
a) Define the terms: (i) Encapsulation, (ii) Polymorphism, (iii) Abstract Data Type (ADT).
b) Arrange the given numbers in ascending order using radix sort.
9, 1106, 9099, 6, 7101, 990, 15, 99, 10, 909
c) For given array Z[-4:-1, 10:13, -1:1] find the total number of elements. Assume that the
base address is 5001 and each element required 2 bytes. Find address of Z[-2,12,0]
element if it is stored in (a) row major order (b) column major.
a) Covert the given expression into its equivalent postfix expression using stack. Show the
contents of stack for each step.
(A + B) * D + E / (F +A * D * E ) + C
b) For the given doubly linked list perform the following operations such that it maintain
ascending order of data. Draw linked list after each operation.
NULL 3 2009 2016 11 5019 2009 14 NULL
2016 2009 5019
L=2016 R=5019
1. Insert 10 having node address 4092.
2. Insert 15 having node address 3014.
3. Delete 14.
a) Create Binary Search Tree using 90, 31, 75, 42, 67, 55, 62, 58, 65, 64. After creation of
BST, delete 62 and draw final tree.
b) Arrange the following data in the array using hash function H(x). Calculate hash key and
use linear probing to resolve collisions. Array size is 8 (index starts from 0)
Data: 214, 4563, 789, 2477, 1579, 4566, 1000, 6745
Hash function H(x) = x modulo 5 + 1
c) Traverse the following tree in Preorder, Inorder and Postorder.
A6-R4 Page 5 of 5 January, 2016
a) Traverse the graph shown in the following figure using Breadth First Search strategy.
Starting node is 1. Prepare adjacency matrix for the graph before traversal. Also show the
step by step contents of the data structure used in traversal.
b) Create AVL Tree for the given numbers. Show the tree after each operation.
7, 1, 6, 2, 5, 4, 3.
Apply Delete (1) and then Insert (9).
c) What are the advantages of using linked list over array?
a) Prepare the max heap for the following data. Perform descending order sorting for the data
using Max Heap Tree: 103, 11, 101, 110, 111, 119, 19, 91.
b) Explain the priority queue concept.
c) Assign the threads to the NULL links of given binary tree for inorder traversal. Redraw the
tree with head node using following structure of a node.

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