
Friday 16 September 2016

NIELIT A Level Introduction to Database Management System Assignment 9

Introduction to Database Management System
Assignment 9

Exam Administration
Consider the following relation that keeps track of the exams taken by students at
a University department:
Exam(studID, studName, courseID, courseTitle, acadYear,
examSession, mark, degreeCourse)

Suppose the following functional dependencies hold on the relation:
studID -> studName, degreeCourse
courseID -> courseTitle
studID, courseID, acadYear, examSession -> mark
studID, courseID -> acadYear, examSession
a) Decompose the relation in smaller relations such that
– each of the smaller relations is in BNCF with respect to the projection
of the original dependencies;
– the decomposition is a loss less join decomposition.
b) Is your decomposition dependency preserving? If your answer is “yes”,
argue why. If your answer is “no”, show which dependencies have been

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