
Friday 26 August 2016

UGC Net Computer Science Paper 3 July-16 Page 4

31. the number of different binary trees with 6 nodes is

(1) 6

(2) 42

(3) 132

(4) 256

Answer : 3

32. Let A[1…n] be an array of n distinct numbers. If i<j and a[i]>a[j], the the pair (I,j) is called an inversion of A. what is the expected number of inversion in any permutation on n elements

(1) Θ(n)

(2) Θ(lgn)

(3) Θ(nlgn)

(4) Θ(n2)

Answer : 1

33. Which one of the following array represents a binary max-heap?

(1) [26,13,17,14,11,9,15]

(2) [26,15,14,17,11,9,13]

(3) [26,15,17,14,11,9,13]

(4) [26,15,13,14,11,9,17]

Answer : 2

34. Math the following

(a)Huffman codes (i) O(n2)

(b) Optimal polygon triangulation (ii) Θ(n3)

( c) Activity selection problem (ii) O(nlgn)

(d) Quick sort (iv) Θ(n)


(a) (b) (c) (d)

(a) (i) (ii) (iv) (iii)

(b) (i) (iv) (ii) (iii)

( c) (iii) (ii) (iv) (i)

(d) (iii) (iv) (ii) (i)

Answer : 4

35. Suppose that we have numbers 1 and 1000 in a binary search tree and want to search for the number 364. Which of the following sequence could not be the sequence of nodes examined?

(1) 925,221,912,245,899,259,363,364

(2) 3,400,388,220,267,383,382,279,364

(3) 926,203,912,241,913,246,364

(4) 3,253,402,399,331,345,398,364

Answer : 4

36. A triangulation of a polygon is a set of T chords that divide the polygon into disjoint triangles. Every triangulation o0f n-vertex convex polygon has _____ chords and divides the polygon into ____ triangles

(1) n-1,n-1

(2) n-3,n-2

(3) n-1,n

(4) n-2,n-2

Answer : 4

37. Implicit return type of a class construction is:

(1)  not of class type itself

(2) Class type itself

(3) A destructor of class type

(4) a destructor not of class type

Answer : 4

38. It is possible to define a class within a class termed as nested class. There are _____ types of nested classes.

(1) 2

(2) 3

(3) 4

(4) 5

Answer : 2

39. Which of the following statements is correct?

(1) Aggregation is a strong type of association between two classes with full ownership .

(2) Aggregation is a strong type of association between two classes with partial ownership.

(3) Aggregation is a weak type of association between two classes with partial ownership.

(4) Aggregation is a weak type of association between two classes with full owner ship.

Answer : 3

40. Which of the following statements is correct?

(1) Every class containing abstract method must not be declare abstract

(2) Abstract class cannot be directly initiated with new operator.

(3) Abstract class cannot be initiated.

(4) Abstract class contains definition of implementation. 

Answer : 4

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