Wednesday 17 April 2024

Query String URI in Route in Code codeigniter 4


You can pass some information using the query string. Query string is very useful for creating dynamic page. As you can see in the image given above, the Query string is a circle of red color. Page content will be changed as per the product ID provided. 

Tuesday 9 April 2024

Online Clinic/Hospital Management Synopsis


Online Clinic/Hospital Management Synopsis

The Online Clinic Management System is a web-based application designed to streamline the administrative tasks of a Clinic/Hospital or healthcare facility. It provides a platform for managing patient records, appointments, billing, and other administrative functions in an efficient and organized manner. The system aims to enhance the overall efficiency and effectiveness of clinic operations while improving patient satisfaction.Live projects have been already made through this synopsis. This synopsis covers all the standards for the synopsis. So this can be used by BCA, MCA, Bsc, O-Level, A-Level, IGNOU students.

Sunday 25 February 2024

Online E-Content Sale Website | ASP.NET C# MVC | Free Source Code


Sale your E-Content by Online Webinar Management Website with full free source code. A fully functional website with source code to sell E-Content material online. You can create profiles of teachers and their separate virtual web pages. Sale their content in the form of PDF, Audio, and video.  Customer management sale to invoice everything is covered. This project can be used as any student project from minor to major. Sample code is run by many business holders around the world. You will get a popular inbuilt payment gateway able to take payment INR or Dollars. SEO friendly fully optimized. 

Key Feature

  • Dynamic Website
  • Responsive Page design
  • Lightweight for speed optimization
  • SEO Friendly page
  • Fully Feature of E-Commerce 
  • Integrated payment gateway (Stripe,CC Avenue, Paypal)
  • Customer management
  • Customer communication
  • Chat boat
  • Speaker/Teacher/Auther separate webpage
  • Intergrated security Feature
  • Power of ASP.Net MVC C#
  • SQL Server Database
  • Cart and Order Management
  • Live running in many country
  • Email Notification

Front End Technology

  • HTML
  • CSS
  • Java Script
  • Angular JS
  • Jquery


  • C#
  • SQL Server

Framework (ASP.Net MVC 5)


Home Page About Us


Saturday 23 December 2023

Install Lets Encrypt SSL in Windows Server Plesk


Let's Encrypt is the world's biggest free SSL provider. Normally a certificate is provided for 3 months. So you have to re-install the certificate manually, if you are not using any auto-generated SSL generator client program like ACME Client. Many Hosting providers integrate auto SSL generator programs, Some are not like Godaddy.