Tuesday 15 March 2022

Layout In CI

Step 1 :

Make a folder named shared in app/Views

Step 2 : 

Make 3 files named menu.php,footer.php,layout.php

menu.php : will hold menu of website

layout.php : will hold master layout page for your website

footer.php : will hold footer code 

Sunday 13 March 2022

Play School Management System Synopsis Download Free

Play School Management System Synopsis Download Free

Play School Management System Synopsis Download Free PDF and Word Version.

Click to   Download Play School Management System System Synopsis PDF Version 

  Click to Download  Play School Management System Synopsis Synopsis Word Editable Version.

Download  Next Synopsis

Library Management System Synopsis Download Free


Library Management System Synopsis Download Free

Library   Management System Synopsis Download Free PDF and Word Version.

 Click to   Download Library  Management System System Synopsis PDF Version 

 Click to Download  Library     Management System Synopsis Synopsis Word Editable Version.

Thursday 10 March 2022

Online Exam Management System Synopsis Download Free


Online Exam Management

Online Exam Management System Synopsis Download Free PDF and Word Version .

   Click to   Download Online Exam Management System System Synopsis PDF Version 

 Click to Download  Online Exam Management System Synopsis Synopsis Word Editable Version.