Sunday 25 April 2021

File read write function | C Language

1. ftell()

Returns the current file pointer position in numeric form. 

 Declarationlong ftell(FILE *stream);



ftell returns the current file pointer for stream.If the file is binary, the offset is measured in bytes from the beginning of

the file The value returned by ftell can be used in a subsequent call to fseek.


 Return Value:

   On success, returns the current file pointer position.

   On error, returns -1L and sets errno to a positive value.




    #include <stdio.h>


int main(void)


   FILE *stream;


   stream = fopen("MYFILE.TXT", "w+");

   fprintf(stream, "This is a test");

   printf("The file pointer is at byte %ld\n", ftell(stream));


   return 0;


2. rewind()

Repositions file pointer to stream's beginning



  void rewind(FILE *stream);



rewind(stream) is equivalent to   fseek(stream, 0L, SEEK_SET) 

except that rewind clears the end-of-file and error indicators, while fseek

only clears the end-of-file indicator. 

After rewind, the next operation on an update file can be either input or





 #include <stdio.h>

 #include <dir.h>


 int main(void)


    FILE *fp;

    char *fname = "TXXXXXX", *newname, first;


    newname = mktemp(fname);

    fp = fopen(newname,"w+");




    printf("The first character is: %c\n",first);




    return 0;



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Thursday 22 April 2021

Memory Allocation Function


1. Malloc

Full form of malloc function is memory allocate. malloc allocates a block of size bytes from the memory heap. It allows a program to allocate memory explicitly as it's needed, and in the exact amounts needed.

PHP 404 page handling


PHP 404 page handling

Server shows 404 error code when requested resource not found at server. By default, the browser display 404 error page .which is not as user-friendly because it does not show our website look and layout. if you want to custom 404-page handling page then this post will help you. to do the above let follows the steps given below.

Tuesday 20 April 2021

Custom Error message | Hide Yellow Screen Of Death (YSOD) page in ASP .Net

ASP.Net MVC has a default error view in the Shared folder. which shows when any unexpected error arises. By default a fixed static error message display, No details of error shows. So if you want to show error details then this post will help you.

Yellow Screen Of Death (YSOD)

When an unhandled exception arises in an ASP.NET application one of three types of error pages is displayed: By default, ASP.NET displays an error page that is affectionately referred to as the Yellow Screen of Death (YSOD). YSOD showed some Sensitive information that can be used by attackers . Show its good practice to show custom error info in front of your users.

Setting in Webconfg file


    <compilation debug="true" targetFramework="4.7.2" />

    <httpRuntime targetFramework="4.7.2" />

       <trust level="Full" />


       <customErrors mode="RemoteOnly"

                      defaultRedirect="~/Shared/Error.cshtml" />


Show error in custom error file

 @model System.Web.Mvc.HandleErrorInfo 

<div class="container">       


        <h2>An error occurred while processing your request.</h2>

        <h3 style="color:red"><p style="color:red"> @Model.Exception.Message</p></h3>

        <br /><br />


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