Monday 13 July 2020

Bitwise Operator Complete solution

Bitwise operators are used to perform bit operations. Decimal values are converted into binary values which are the sequence of bits and bit wise operators work on these bits. Bit wise operators in C language are given below.

1. & (bitwise AND)
2. | (bitwise OR) 
3. ~ (bitwise NOT)
4. ^ (XOR)
5. << (left shift) 
6. >> (right shift).

Link List Disadvantage

  • If fix element is required for an operation then link list is not a good option because it’s consumed more memory to manage the dynamic address for the list.
  • Random traversal is not possible in link list due to dynamic memory allocation which is unpredictable and scarred in memory.
  • Reverse traversing is not possible in a single link list because only the next pointer is used to point next element.
  • Manual delete is required because link list uses memory in heap section.
  • Infinite traversal occurred in a circular list if not handled properly.
  • More Time and memory required compare to array.

Pointer and Array Relationship

Pointers and arrays have a special relationship in C Language.Name of an array is constant pointer which point first element of array and an array is represented by a variable that is associated with the address of its first storage location. A pointer is also the address of a storage location with a defined type, so name permits the use of the array [ ] index notation with both pointer variables and array variables. For example, the following two references in C language are equivalent in meaning:

Q = &a[0];                                                           trace(Q[2]);

Saturday 11 July 2020

Greatest find CM:MM with structure | C Language

Q :  Define a structure Distance having two data members: cm and mm in integer. The program enters three variables and find which distance is the largest among them.


     Girfa Student Help
     Find greatest cm:mm using structure