Thursday 21 December 2017

Query String PHP

Query String PHP

Query string is part of an URI which is use to pass some information in URL. Information pass by a query string can be used by server or client by java script or any server side language. Query string is one most powerful method to pass additional information about web processing application but query string is not recommended to pass sensitive information because query string put flat text which can be read by anyone.

Wednesday 20 December 2017

Dynamic Memory allocation C language

Memory is storage unit which every program need for their operation. When you run your program then a request is made to OS for memory allocation. There are two types of memory allocations are used in programming.
  • Static
  • Dynamic

Static memory allocation is fix allocation.  It cannot be change during run time. Static memory allocation is better option in case when we know exactly how much amount of memory need. For example holding roll number marks of student etc.

Tuesday 19 December 2017


IDENT_CURRENT return last inserted identity field value from any session any scope table.
One most interesting things which surprise me while I had used this first time. Which is follows

You can get SQL server generated identity value which inserting row, means it is not necessary that identity value only can get after save a row. Not at all!

You can use this feature while creating some userid and roll number type field in many applications.

i.e: 10000001,2000829 etc.

CREATE TABLE dbo.stu( 
   Roll varchar(20),
   City VARCHAR(40) NOT

Saturday 16 December 2017

Nested Loop

Nested Loop Banner

When a loop resides inside of other loop .Nested loops are useful while if there is a need of looping for each count of other turn of a loop.