Wednesday 29 November 2017

Tax Calculation Program

Write a program to calculate the income tax of an employee for the current financial year. A user will enter his age and Total salary of the current year and program will calculate and display the payable Income Tax from the given table. Tax slabs are applicable after deducting Rs. 1,00,000 of saving from total salary for each employee. The tax slabs are as
under: (Senior citizen: Age<60)

For All Tax
Rs.0 to 2,00,000 0% of income
2,00,001 - 5,00,000 10% on income excess of 2,00,000
5,00,001 - 10,00,000 30,000+20% on income excess of 5,00,000
Above Rs.10,00,000 1,30,000+30% on income excess of 10,00,000

Monday 27 November 2017


A thread is a basic unit of CPU utilization; it comprises a thread ID, a program counter, a register set, and a stack. It shares with other threads belonging to the same process its code section, data section, and other operating-system resources, such as open files and signals. A traditional (or heavyweight) process has a single thread of control.


Many software packages that run on modern desktop PCs are multithreaded. An application typically is implemented as a separate process with several threads of control.

HTML Table Operation

HTML Table Operation

Hide Table Column

$('#table-name th:nth-child(column-no)').hide();

$('#table-name td:nth-child(column-no)').hide();

$('#tblService th:nth-child(4)').hide();
$('#tblService td:nth-child(4)').hide();

Print All columns of each row

var table = $("#tblBody");
        table.find('tr').each(function (i)
            var $tds = $(this).find('td');
            alert ($tds.eq(0).text() + " , " + $tds.eq(1).text())

Print All Row columns except first

var table = $("#tblBody");
        table.find('tr').not(':first').each(function (i)
            var $tds = $(this).find('td');
            alert ($tds.eq(0).text() + " , " + $tds.eq(1).text())

Get selected column data using rowid


Example :

Delete a Single row by row id


Example :

Delete all row except first

Example :

Select A Table all rows by checkbox using jquery

Editable Table Jquery

Java Script Date Operation

Java Script Date Operation

Convert dd/mm/yyyy date to yyyy/mm/dd

Java Script support date in many format except dd/mm/yyyy . So if you are working on a project which has date as in dd/mm/yyyy format then you will need to change it mm/dd/yyyy for further date related operations.

Following code will change dd/mm/yyyy date to mm/dd/yyyy date format