Tuesday 19 September 2017

Combine multiple css link into single link

A website has more than external css file which must be reference on page where it has to use. When a lot number of css file being used it increase complexity for web developer because of add many external link.

So for sake of simplicity of your web page. You can use @import. Which help you to add more than one external css file referenced by a single line? You need to add all your external css file reference into a single css file. Add this file link to your web page and enjoy compress coding….

CSS File



Sunday 17 September 2017

Average of every third number

Q : Write a ‘C’ program to compute the average of every third integer lying between 1 and 200? Include  appropriate documentation?

Solution :


void main()
     int i,sum,avg;

Saturday 16 September 2017

print a character as per given number

Q : Write a program having function print_char( ) which receives a character and n integer as arguments. The function should print n times the entered character.

Solution : 

void print_char(char,int);
void main()

Wednesday 13 September 2017

What is pointer? How is it initialized? What is indirection operator? What is the scale factor

Q : What is pointer? How is it initialized? What is indirection operator? What is the scale factor?



A pointer is a special type of variable which hold physical address of a non pointer variable.Symbol * is used to make a pointer variable. Programmer can change a variable value from another location with the help of pointer. Call reference is an example of pointer , in which  a variable physical address pass to a function and any change made inside of function direct affect actual value of passed variable due to pointer.