Saturday 15 July 2017

Table read with Java Script

This is how I consummate reading a table in javascript. Basically I study down into the rows and then I was able to drill down into the individual cells for each row. This should give you an idea.

Roll Name City
101 Sona Varanasi
102 Mona Chandauli
103 Amit Jaunpur

    <title>Girfa Student Help : Table read with javascript</title>
        function GetData()

Bitwise operator

Logical Operators

Logical operators are used to make a decision on behalf of some criteria. We evaluate given criteria in terms of (and,or,not). Decision making process changed with given terms. If AND  is used there then all given criteria must be true to become result true and in case of OR , condition become true if any given criteria return true. Not reverse result True to false and vice versa.

Friday 14 July 2017

Variable to SQL Query

Sometimes there is a need to store a SQL query output to a variable in store procedure. This feature gives programming flexibility to apply more action while generating output.
For example, you can apply more group option in a simple way which was complicated in a single query or if you want to concatenate the output of some query etc.

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Thursday 13 July 2017

Register Variable

Register Variable C Language

Register is a special type of storage medium for making variables in c language. When there is a need of access any variable very frequently like inside of loops. For increase of access time of a variable it can be take place direct on register. If a variable is on a register then its take less time compare to access a variable form memory because register is a part of CPU.