Monday 7 December 2015

Synopsis : computer Science Project

        A synopsis is a brief summary of your project which you are going to working on. A computer science student of various courses like Btech,MCA,PGDCA,BCA,Bsc-IT,Bsc-CS,’O’ Level,’A’ Level,’B’ Level has to submit a project for complete their course in last semester. In synopsis include a brief detail of our project it’s just like a prototype which shows that how will be project.The page size of the synopsis should be near about 20-25 pages. 

        Following are topics which at least should be cover and student can increase many things depend on the complexity of the project.

Synopsis Topic :

  • Introduction of Project
  • Objective of the Project
  • Scope of the Project
  • Project Plan
  • The Existing System
  • Background of the Organization
  • Current Problems
  • Areas for Improvement
  • Proposed System
  • Input/Output Requirement
  • Hardware and Software Requirement
  • Database Requirement
  • System Design
  • Tables and Fields for Database
  • Database Dictionary
  • E-R Diagram
  • Level 0DFD
  • Level 1 DFD
  • Security Control
  • Future Scope of the Project
  • Conclusion
  • Reference or Bibliography

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    MBA Project Synopsis

    Mini Project Python

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Saturday 21 November 2015

Computer Science Project

Sunday 4 October 2015

Computer Assignment

Assignment is a piece of work done by students, it is like  home work as we have  done home work in small class but in higher class its known as assignment. Assignment includes specific questions set which enhance student knowledge towards related subject. Assignment play an important role for achieving good score in examination, normally assignment is done at end of syllabus completion. 

Thursday 17 September 2015

C language Notes

Hi Reader You can get C language PDF notes with example on following topics So just select your topic  and download notes 

Call By Value/Call by reference

Signed/Unsigned Variable