Sunday 21 January 2018

Significance of header file

To understand significance of header file. I would like to ask you a question. Why do we choose high level language to develop software instead of low level language?

Answer is we choose high level language like C language  to develop software. Because there are lots of things that can be achieved by only calling some function provided by related language compiler. One the other hand in low level language every things of programming is manually done by programmer. For example if you want to generate output on screen using assembly language you will have to set many register value which is very complicated. Whereas in C language you will have to use inbuilt function printf.

Saturday 20 January 2018

Brokerage Management Software Screen Shot

Brokerage Management Software VB

Brokerage Management Software VB

Girfa Brokerage Management System is windows based application software. This application helps brokers to manage their brokerage amount against of what are the sale he/she has done to many customers. This is fully customizable software because all the setting of business will be done by owner. So due to dynamic nature of software, you can use this software to calculate brokerage amount for any business with reach feature of powerful reporting for various type of sales and many more. Feature of software are given below.

HTML form control selector test

Check Radio button check

Gender : Male Female

Code :

  Gender :
    <input type="radio" name="gender" id="rdomale" checked="checked" />Male
    <input type="radio" name="gender" id="rdofemale" />Female
    <input type="button" value="Check" onclick="Checkradio()" />
