Saturday 11 November 2017

Cosine series Flowchart

Q :  Make the flow chart to solve the following cosine series.
       S = 1 – x2/ 2! + x4/ 4! – x6/ 6! + … 100 terms

Solution : 

Cosine series Flowchart

Wednesday 8 November 2017

Dynamic Table Java Script

Dynamic Table Java Script

This post helps you to make dynamic table. You can do following task using this post code
  • Add a row dynamically
  • Check duplicate value
  • Delete a row 



    <title>Girfa : DynamicTable Management </title>
 var tblrowid=0
 function AddScheduleTOTable() 

Sunday 5 November 2017

C language Paper Solution July 2011

NIELIT O Level C language Paper Solution  July 2011

1. Objective

1.1 : C
1.2 : B
1.3  :  D
1.4 : B
1.5 : B
1.6 : A
1.7 : A
1.8 :  B

Saturday 4 November 2017

2D character array sorting

Q : Write a ‘C’ program to read an array of names and to sort them in alphabetical order.

Solution :

     Girfa Student Help
     Program : Sort 2D  Array    
#define MAX 3
void main()
     char ar[MAX][20],ch[20];