Tuesday 11 July 2023

Marksheet Template HTML | CSS


Educational Markheet template created using HTML and CSS. You can use this template for college results. This code is tested and you can create PDF while printing .

Source  Code

<html> <head> <title> Markesheet </title> <style> body{background-image:url('bg.jpg');background-size:cover;} .container { padding-right: 15%; padding-left: 15%; margin-right: auto; margin-left: auto; } @media(max-width:700px) { .container { padding-right: 5%; padding-left: 5%; } } .border{border:solid 1px black;} .imglogo{display:block;margin:auto} @media(max-width:700px) { .imglogo { width: 80%; } } .bold{font-weight:bolder;} .border-top{border-top:solid 1px black;} .border-left{border-left:solid 1px black;} .border-right { border-right: solid 1px black; } .padl{padding-left:5px;} .padr { padding-right: 5px; } </style>

Wednesday 5 July 2023

Web Designing and Publishing Through 'C' Language Set 2 | NIELIT O Level

Solved :  Web Designing and Publishing Through 'C' Language Set 2 | NIELIT O Level

1. Which of the following is a correct CSS Syntax ?
(A) {body; color:orange;} (B) {body: color=orange;}
(C) body:color=orange; (D) body{color:orange;}

Sunday 2 July 2023

Web Designing and Publishing Through 'C' Language Set 1 | NIELIT O Level

 Solved Web Designing and Publishing Through 'C' Language Set 1 | NIELIT O Level

1. “w3-border-0” is a border property for w3.css, which of the following is true ?
(A) It has rounded borders
(B) removes all borders
(C) removes rounded borders only
(D) None of these

2. “w3-row-padding” is a class which defines :
(A) Container for responsive classes, with 8px left and right padding
(B) Container for responsive classes with no padding
(C) Container for responsive classes with padding
(D) None of these

Thursday 29 June 2023

Solved Information Technology Tools and Network Set 2 | NIELIT O Level

(M1-R5) Solved Information Technology Tools and Network Set 2 | NIELIT O Level

1. Which key is used to open Print Preview in LibreOffice ?
(A) Ctrl+Shift+S (B) Ctrl+Shift+O (C) Ctrl+Shift+T (D) Ctrl+Shift+X

2. Where FootNote is Located in LibreOffice Writer ?
(A) Header of Page (B) Top of page
(C) Middle of Page (D) Bottom of Page