Tuesday 16 June 2015

Java Script Tutorial


A loop describes the process of a software program or script repeats the same instructions or processes the same information over and over until receiving the order to stop. If not handled properly a loop can cause the computer to become slower as it becomes overwhelmed with having to repeat the same steps over and over causing it to get stuck in an endless loop. 

Print A Table Using While Loop

      <script language="javascript">
      function table()

Friday 29 May 2015

Insert bullets in a worksheet

Unlike Microsoft Word, Excel does not provide a button to create a bulleted list in text. However, there are several ways that you can add bullets to a worksheet in Excel.

Insert a bullet symbol into a cell

To quickly add a bullet symbol to a cell, double click in the cell where you want to add your bullet symbol, and then press ALT+7 or ALT+9 using the numeric keypad on your keyboard.

Wednesday 6 May 2015


Bubble Sort

void main()
int ar[5],i,j,flag,tmp;
printf("Enter Number>> ");
printf("\n\tOriginal Array\n");

Thursday 30 April 2015

Classification of Computers

Computers differ based on their data processing abilities. They are classified according to purpose, data handling and functionality.

According to purpose, computers are either general purpose or specific purpose. General purpose computers are designed to perform a range of tasks.

They have the ability to store numerous programs, but lack in speed and efficiency. Specific purpose computers are designed to handle a specific problem or to perform a specific task. A set of instructions is built into the machine.

According to data handling, computers are analog, digital or hybrid. Analog computers work on the principle of measuring, in which the measurements obtained are translated into data. Modern analog computers usually employ electrical parameters, such as voltages, resistances or currents, to represent the quantities being manipulated. Such computers do not deal directly with the numbers. They measure continuous physical magnitudes. Digital computers are those that operate with information, numerical or otherwise, represented in a digital form. Such computers process data into a digital value (in 0s and 1s). They give the results with more accuracy and at a faster rate. Hybrid computers incorporate the measuring feature of an analog computer and counting feature of a digital computer. For computational purposes, these computers use analog components and for storage, digital memories are used.

According to functionality, computers are classified as :