Tuesday 22 March 2016

Excel Practice File : Attendance Sheet

Download Excel File 

Sale Invoice

Excel Sale Invoice practice File

Download Excel File

Inquiry Report 
Inquiry Report

Rate Depreciation List for Car Sale

Rate Depreciation List for Car Sale

Sunday 20 March 2016

RSA Alogorithm

The RSA algorithm is an example of asymmetric cryptography, which is widely used in worldwide for securing sensitive while sending insecure medium like the internet.

RSA was first described in 1977 by Ron Rivest, Adi Shamir and Leonard Adleman of the Massachusetts Institute of Technology. Two types of keys are used, public and private. Private is secrete key used by the owner or receiver. Data can be encrypted using a public or private key, but decryption can be done only with the private key.

Saturday 19 March 2016

Form Validation,File Type Validation : Javascript

It’s a good practice to validate your form using script before sending because it’s giving quick response than server validity. But keep in mind server validation is always necessary because JavaScript may be disabled by the user. So server validation is mandatory. I am presenting complete code for validating a check box, textbox and file. My main focus is on file validating because file validation is complicated task for new web developers So this will help you a lot.

<title>Java script form validation ; Girfa</title>
<script language="javascript">
function validate_mar_news(pic,fl,code) //validate add news pic for home page marquee
var check_box=document.getElementById(pic);
var file=document.getElementById(fl);
var code=document.getElementById(code);
var flag=true;
if(check_box.value=="Select Page Number")

Friday 18 March 2016

Object oriented programming and UML Objective (MCQ) Questions

9.1 Computer systems are designed by

a. simplifying requirements of system

b. breaking of the system into smaller self-contained co-operating subsystems
c. breaking up the systems into independent parts

d. modular design

9.2 Functions and procedures are

a. not useful in designing computer systems

b. old fashioned and they are not useful

c. useful in designing computer systems

d. have side effects which require special care if they are used as subsystems